Installation ------------ From PyPi ========= We recommend installing ``PyGLImER`` from PyPi. .. code:: bash pip install pyglimer # if you want to use mpi pip install mpi4py .. note:: Sometimes the cartopy installation from PyPi fails. We recommed using `conda install -c conda-forge cartopy` instead. Installation from source code ============================= This will mostly make sense for developers. Note that you should download the ``dev`` branch if you should wish to make contributions. .. code:: bash # Get the source code # Download via wget or web-browser wget # For developers use #wget # unzip the package unzip # or, depending on branch # devlopers use # Change directory to the same directory that this repo is in (i.e., same directory as cd PyGLImER-master # That's the standard name the folder should have # Create the conda environment and install dependencies conda env create -f environment.yml # Activate the conda environment conda activate pyglimer # Install your package, -e ensure that the package will be updated as you edit modules pip install -e .