CCP Stack Plotting ------------------ The stacks computed and saved by the routines have a few built-in plotting tools for simple visualization Volume Sections =============== Here we compute a CCP volume first and subsequently slice through it by simply taking slices from a 3D matrix using :py:meth:`~pyglimer.ccp.ccp.CCPStack.plot_volume_sections()`. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import numpy as np from pyglimer.ccp.ccp import read_ccp from pyglimer.plot.plot_utils import set_mpl_params import matplotlib.pyplot as plt set_mpl_params() # Read the CCP Stack ccpstack = read_ccp(filename='../ccp_IU_HRV.pkl', fmt=None) # Create spacing lats = np.arange(41, 43.5, 0.05) lons = np.arange(-72.7, -69.5, 0.05) z = np.linspace(-10, 200, 211) # Plot volume slices: vplot is a VolumePlot object vplot = ccpstack.plot_volume_sections( lons, lats, zmax=211, lonsl=-71.45, latsl=42.5, zsl=23) .. image:: figures/ccp_volume.png Cross Section ============= We can build cross sections with :py:meth:`~pyglimer.ccp.ccp.CCPStack.plot_cross_section()` without actually compute a full volume. This is done (like the computation of the full volume) by using a KDTree that provides weighted nearest neighbour interpolation on a sphere. .. code-block:: python :linenos: import numpy as np from pyglimer.ccp.ccp import read_ccp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Read the CCP Stack ccpstack = read_ccp(filename='../ccp_IU_HRV.pkl', fmt=None) # Create points waypoints for the cross section lat0 = np.array([42.5, 42.5]) lon0 = np.array([-72.7, -69.5]) lat1 = np.array([41.5, 43.5]) lon1 = np.array([-71.45, -71.45]) # Set RF boundaries mapextent = [-73.5, -69, 41, 44] depthextent = [0, 200] vmin = -0.1 vmax = 0.1 # Plot cross sections ax1, geoax = ccpstack.plot_cross_section( lat0, lon0, z0=23, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, mapplot=True, minillum=1, label="A", depthextent=depthextent, mapextent=mapextent) ax2, _ = ccpstack.plot_cross_section( lat1, lon1, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, geoax=geoax, mapplot=True, minillum=1, label="B", depthextent=depthextent ) This snippet creates a map including the illumination .. image:: figures/cross_section_map.png and the respective cross sections A .. image:: figures/cross_section_A.png and B .. image:: figures/cross_section_B.png Exploring your CCP-Stack interactively ====================================== You can use :py:meth:`~pyglimer.ccp.ccp.CCPStack.explore()` to create an interactive window that slides through your CCP object.