
PyGLImER automates receiver function (RF) processing from download of raw waveform data to common conversion point (CCP) imaging with a minimum amount of user interference.

The implementation includes:

  • Functions to download raw waveform data from FDSN providers

  • Functions to feed in local waveform data

  • An adaptable preprocessing scheme, including various rotational algorithms

  • A variety of deconvolution algorithms (user-defined algorithms possible)

  • An implementation of the iasp91 and GyPSum velocity models for depth migration (user-defined models are accepted)

  • A new, particularly efficient Common Conversion Point Stacking algorithm

  • A variety of plotting tools to explore datasets and to create prublication ready figures

  • Efficient and fast processing and data management, support multi-processing, MPI, and HDF5

As developers, we are particularly concerned to create an automated, adaptable, efficient, and, yet, easy-to-use toolkit.

The project is relying on an ObsPy-like API and can be seen as a more powerful and user-friendly successor of the GLImER project.

A review of the receiver function technique is given here: Upper Mantle Imaging with Array Recordings of Converted and Scattered Teleseismic Waves


(left) A cartoon of a conversion of an incoming teleseismic S arrival and its conversion at a boundary below a seismic array. (right) The resulting seismogram. One can create a receiver function by confining the conversion/coda and the primary arrival to each one component (rotation) and, subsequently, deconvolving the primary wavelet from the converted wavelet.#