Source code for pyglimer.ccp.plot_utils.line_buffer
import numpy as np
from pyglimer.utils.geo_utils import geo2cart
from pyglimer.utils.geo_utils import cart2geo
from pyglimer.utils.Ra2b import Ra2b
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import unary_union
[docs]def line_buffer(lat, lon, delta=1.0):
"""Creates buffer around geographical line using from pole rotated cap
outlines. This is far from perfect, but it does "a" job. There isn't much
more that one can and be spherically accurate. As long as the amount of
points in the line is fair this should have no problem to immitate a true
lat : np.ndarray
lon : np.ndarray
delta : float, optional
epicentral distance to line, by default 1.0
Nx2 matrix with coordinates of a polygon that forms a buffer around
the line
Lucas Sawade (
:Last Modified:
2021.04.21 20.00 (Lucas Sawade)
# Buffer circle around z axis
r = 1
phi = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi/100)
theta = delta*np.pi/180
# Circle around z axis in cartesian
x = r*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi)
y = r*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi)
z = r*np.cos(theta)*np.ones_like(phi)
points = np.vstack((x, y, z))
# Get circlse around the local coordinates
rcoordset = []
for _lat, _lon in zip(lat, lon):
# Convert line coordinates
x1 = geo2cart(1, _lat, _lon)
# Compute rotation matrix compute the new set of points
rpoints = Ra2b((0, 0, 1), x1) @ points
# Append x and y coordinates
rpoints[0, :], rpoints[1, :], rpoints[2, :]))
# Generate and combine polygons
polygons = []
circles = []
for _i, coords in enumerate(rcoordset):
circles.append((coords[2], coords[1]))
polygon = Polygon([(_x, _y)
for _x, _y in zip(coords[2], coords[1])])
# Combine from converted points
upoly = unary_union(polygons)
if upoly.type == 'MultiPolygon':
polyplot = [np.array(x.exterior.xy).T for x in upoly.geoms]
polyplot = [np.array(upoly.exterior.xy).T]
return polyplot, circles