Source code for pyglimer.database.raw

HDF5 based data format to save raw waveforms and station XMLs. Works similar
to the data format saving receiver functions.

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
   Peter Makus (

Created: Tuesday, 6th September 2022 10:37:12 am
Last Modified: Thursday, 27th October 2022 03:07:39 pm

import fnmatch
from io import BytesIO
import logging
import os
import re
from typing import Iterable
import warnings
import glob
import typing as tp

import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stats, Stream, Trace, read
from obspy.core.event.event import Event
from obspy import Inventory, read_inventory
import h5py

from pyglimer.utils import utils as pu
from pyglimer.utils.signalproc import resample_or_decimate

hierarchy = "/{tag}/{network}/{station}/{evt_id}/{channel}"
hierarchy_xml = '/{tag}/{network}/{station}'
h5_FMTSTR = os.path.join("{dir}", "{network}.{station}.h5")

[docs]class DBHandler(h5py.File): """ The actual file handler of the hdf5 receiver function files. .. warning:: **Should not be accessed directly. Access :class:`~pyglimer.database.raw.RawDataBase` instead.** Child object of :class:`h5py.File` and inherets all its attributes and functions in addition to functions that are particularly useful for noise correlations. """ def __init__(self, path, mode, compression): super(DBHandler, self).__init__(path, mode=mode) if isinstance(compression, str): self.compression = re.findall(r'(\w+?)(\d+)', compression)[0][0] if self.compression != 'gzip': raise ValueError( 'Compression of type %s is not supported.' % self.compression) self.compression_opts = int( re.findall(r'(\w+?)(\d+)', compression)[0][1]) if self.compression_opts not in np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int): ii = np.argmin(abs( np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int) - self.compression_opts)) self.compression_opts = np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int)[ii] warnings.warn( 'Chosen compression level is not available for %s. \ %s Has been chosen instead (closest)' % ( self.compression, str(self.compression_opts))) else: self.compression = None self.compression_opts = None def _close(self): self.close() def _define_content(self, content: dict): """ Define the known waveforms per waveform. Known waveforms to receive. Is just a dictionary with one key for each channel with the values being a list of event origin times rounded to one second. :param content: dictionary with one key for each channel with the values being a list of available waveform seismic event origin times :type ret: dict .. note:: This overwrites the old table of contents, so make sure to add everything! """ try: ds = self.create_dataset('content', data=np.empty(1)) except ValueError: ds = self['content'] # Already existing, just change attributes ds.attrs['content'] = str(content)
[docs] def add_waveform( self, data: tp.Union[Trace, Stream], evt_id: tp.Union[UTCDateTime, str], tag: str = 'raw'): """ Add receiver function to the hdf5 file. The data can later be accessed using the :meth:`~pyglimer.database.rfh5.DBHandler.get_data()` method. :param data: Data to save. :type data: Trace or Stream :param evt_id: Event identifier. Defined by the origin time of the event rounded using :func:`~pyglimer.utils.utils.utc_save_str()` :param tag: The tag that the data should be saved under. Defaults to 'raw' :raises TypeError: for wrong data type. """ if isinstance(evt_id, UTCDateTime): evt_id = pu.utc_save_str(evt_id) if not isinstance(data, Trace) and\ not isinstance(data, Stream): raise TypeError('Data has to be either an obspy Trace or Stream') if isinstance(data, Trace): data = [data] for tr in data: st = tr.stats path = hierarchy.format( tag=tag,, station=st.station, evt_id=evt_id, try: ds = self.create_dataset( path,, compression=self.compression, compression_opts=self.compression_opts) convert_header_to_hdf5(ds, st) except ValueError: warnings.warn("The dataset %s is already in file and will be \ omitted." % path, category=UserWarning)
[docs] def add_response(self, inv: Inventory, tag: str = 'response'): """ Add the response information (i.e., stationxml). :param inv: inventory containing information of only **one** station :type inv: Inventory :param tag: tag to save under, defaults to 'response' :type tag: str, optional .. note:: The Inventory `inv` should only contain information of one station. """ network = inv[0].code station = inv[0][0].code path = hierarchy_xml.format(tag=tag, network=network, station=station) # Writing as bytes to avoid slow xml in hdf5 with BytesIO() as b: inv.write(b, format='stationxml'), 0) try: self.create_dataset( path, data=np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.dtype('byte')), compression=self.compression, compression_opts=self.compression_opts) except ValueError as e: print(e) warnings.warn("The dataset %s is already in file and will be \ omitted." % path, category=UserWarning)
[docs] def get_data( self, network: str, station: str, evt_id: UTCDateTime or str, tag: str = 'raw') -> Stream: """ Returns an obspy Stream holding the requested data and all existing channels. .. note:: `Wildcards are allowed for all parameters`. :param network: network code, e.g., IU :type network: str :param station: station code, e.g., HRV :type station: str :param evt_id: Origin Time of the corresponding event :type evt_id: UTCDateTime or str :param tag: Data tag (e.g., 'raw'). Defaults to raw. :type tag: str, optional :return: a :class:`Stream` holding the requested data. :rtype: Stream """ if isinstance(evt_id, UTCDateTime): evt_id = pu.utc_save_str(evt_id) path = hierarchy.format( tag=tag, network=network, station=station, evt_id=evt_id, channel="*") # Now, we need to differ between the fnmatch pattern and the actually # acessed path pattern = path.replace('/*', '*') path = path.split('*')[0] path = os.path.dirname(path) try: st = all_traces_recursive(self[path], Stream(), pattern) return st except KeyError: f'Could not find data from {network}.{station} ' + f'and event {evt_id}. Returning empty Stream.') return Stream()
[docs] def get_response( self, network: str, station: str, tag: str = 'response') -> Inventory: """ Get the Response information for the queried station. :param network: Network Code :type network: str :param station: Station Code :type station: str :param tag: Tag under which the response is saved, defaults to 'response' :type tag: str, optional :return: Obspy Inventory :rtype: Inventory """ path = hierarchy_xml.format(tag=tag, network=network, station=station) with BytesIO(np.array(self[path], dtype=np.dtype('byte'))) as b: return read_inventory(b)
def _get_table_of_contents(self) -> dict: """ Retrieve the contents of the file. :return: A dictionary where the keys are the available channels and the values lists of the available events in rounded format fissure on 10 seconds. :rtype: dict """ try: ds = self['content'] content = eval(ds.attrs['content']) return content except (KeyError, AttributeError): return {}
[docs] def walk( self, tag: str, network: str, station: str) -> Iterable[Stream]: """ Iterate over all Streams with the given properties. (i.e, all events) :param tag: data tag :type tag: str :param network: Network code :type network: str :param station: Statio ncode :type station: str :return: Iterator :rtype: Iterable[RFTrace] :yield: one Stream per event. :rtype: Iterator[Iterable[Stream]] .. note:: Does not accept wildcards. """ for w in self[tag][network][station].values(): st = Stream() for v in w.values(): st.append(Trace(np.array(v), header=read_hdf5_header(v))) yield st
[docs] def content_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the following structure. Not actively used. .. code:: dict ├── raw │ └── YP │ └── NE11 │ ├── 2009261T120020.8 │ │ ├── BHE (1500) │ │ ├── BHN (1500) │ │ └── BHZ (1500) : : │ └── 2009261T184125.8 │ ├── BHE (1500) │ ├── BHN (1500) │ └── BHZ (1500) └── response └── YP └── NE11 (27156) """ return h5_dict(self)
[docs] def print_tree(self): """print a tree with the following structure .. code:: dict ├── raw │ └── YP │ └── NE11 │ ├── 2009261T120020.8 │ │ ├── BHE (1500) │ │ ├── BHN (1500) │ │ └── BHZ (1500) : : │ └── 2009261T184125.8 │ ├── BHE (1500) │ ├── BHN (1500) │ └── BHZ (1500) └── response └── YP └── NE11 (27156) """ h5_tree(self)
[docs]def h5_tree(val, pre=''): """Recursive function to print the structure of an ASDF dataset.""" items = len(val) for key, val in val.items(): items -= 1 if items == 0: # the last item if type(val) == print(pre + '└── ' + key) h5_tree(val, pre+' ') else: print(pre + '└── ' + key + ' (%d)' % len(val)) else: if type(val) == print(pre + '├── ' + key) h5_tree(val, pre+'│ ') else: print(pre + '├── ' + key + ' (%d)' % len(val))
[docs]def h5_dict(val): """Recursive function to red the keys of a dataset.""" h5dict = dict() for key, val in val.items(): # the last item if type(val) == h5dict[key] = h5_dict(val) else: h5dict[key] = len(val) return h5dict
[docs]class RawDatabase(object): """ Base class to handle the hdf5 files that contain raw data for receiver function computaiton. """ def __init__( self, path: str, mode: str = 'a', compression: str = 'gzip3'): """ Access an hdf5 file holding raw waveforms. The resulting file can be accessed using all functionalities of `h5py <>`_ (for example as a dict). :param path: Full path to the file :type path: str :param mode: Mode to access the file. Options are: 'a' for all, 'w' for write, 'r+' for writing in an already existing file, or 'r' for read-only , defaults to 'a'. :type mode: str, optional :param compression: The compression algorithm and compression level that the arrays should be saved with. 'gzip3' tends to perform well, else you could choose 'gzipx' where x is a digit between 1 and 9 (i.e., 9 is the highest compression) or None for fastest perfomance, defaults to 'gzip3'. :type compression: str, optional .. warning:: **Access only through a context manager (see below):** >>> with RawDataBase('myfile.h5') as rdb: >>> type(rdb) # This is a DBHandler <class 'pyglimer.database.rfh5.DBHandler'> Example:: >>> with RawDataBase( '/path/to/db/XN.NEP06.h5') as rfdb: >>> # find the available tags for existing db >>> print(list(rfdb.keys())) ['raw', 'weird'] >>> # Get Data from all times and >>> st = rfdb.get_data( >>> 'XN', 'NEP06', '*') >>> print(st.count()) 250 """ # Create / read file if not path.split('.')[-1] == 'h5': path += '.h5' self.path = path self.mode = mode self.compression = compression def __enter__(self) -> DBHandler: self.db_handler = DBHandler( self.path, self.mode, self.compression) return self.db_handler def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb) -> None or bool: self.db_handler._close() if exc_type is not None: return False
[docs]def all_traces_recursive( group:, stream: Stream, pattern: str) -> Stream: """ Recursively, appends all traces in a h5py group to the input stream. In addition this will check whether the data matches a certain pattern. :param group: group to search through :type group: class:`` :param stream: Stream to append the traces to :type stream: Stream :param pattern: pattern for the path in the hdf5 file, see fnmatch for details. :type pattern: str :return: Stream with appended traces :rtype: Stream """ for v in group.values(): if isinstance(v, all_traces_recursive(v, stream, pattern) elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(, pattern) and not in pattern: continue else: stream.append( Trace(np.array(v), header=read_hdf5_header(v))) return stream
[docs]def convert_header_to_hdf5(dataset: h5py.Dataset, header: Stats): """ Convert an :class:`~obspy.core.Stats` object and adds it to the provided hdf5 dataset. :param dataset: the dataset that the header should be added to :type dataset: h5py.Dataset :param header: The trace's header :type header: Stats """ header = dict(header) for key in header: try: if isinstance(header[key], UTCDateTime): # convert time to string header[key] = header[key].format_fissures() dataset.attrs[key] = header[key] except TypeError: logging.debug( f'The header contains an item of type {type(header[key])}.' + 'Information of this type cannot be written to hdf5.') continue
[docs]def read_hdf5_header(dataset: h5py.Dataset) -> Stats: """ Takes an hdf5 dataset as input and returns the header of the Trace. :param dataset: The dataset to be read from :type dataset: h5py.Dataset :return: The trace's header :rtype: Stats """ attrs = dataset.attrs time_keys = ['starttime', 'endtime', 'onset', 'event_time'] header = {} for key in attrs: if key in time_keys: try: header[key] = UTCDateTime(attrs[key]) except ValueError as e: # temporary fix of obspy's UTCDateTime issue. SHould be removed # as soon as they release version 1.23 if attrs[key][4:8] == '360T': new = list(attrs[key]) new[6] = '1' header[key] = UTCDateTime(''.join(new)) - 86400 else: raise e elif key == 'processing': header[key] = list(attrs[key]) else: header[key] = attrs[key] return Stats(header)
[docs]def mseed_to_hdf5( rawfolder: str or os.PathLike, save_statxml: bool, statloc: str = None): """ Convert a given mseed database in rawfolder to an h5 based database. :param rawfolder: directory in which the fodlers for each event are stored :type rawfolder: os.PathLike :param save_statxml: should stationxmls be read as well? If so, you need to provide `statloc` as well. :type save_statxml: bool :param statloc: location of station xmls only needed if `save_statxml` is is set to True, defaults to None :type statloc: str, optional """ # Find all miniseed related to that av_mseed = glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, '*', '*.mseed')) # We do that for every single station if len(av_mseed) == 0: # Delete empty folders evt_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, '??????????????')) for d in evt_dirs: os.rmdir(d) if save_statxml: statxml_to_hdf5(rawfolder, statloc) return net, stat, _ = os.path.basename(av_mseed[0]).split('.') h5_file = os.path.join(rawfolder, f'{net}.{stat}.h5') # Now, read all available files for this station mseeds = glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, '*', f'{net}.{stat}.mseed')) # Create table of new contents new_cont = {} with RawDatabase(h5_file) as rdb: for mseed in mseeds: # event ID string, used to save the data in hdf5 evt_str = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(mseed)) try: st = read(mseed) except logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') logger.warning( f'File {mseed} is corrupt. Skipping this file..') os.remove(mseed) continue # Decimate try: st = resample_or_decimate(st, 10) except ValueError: logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') logger.warning( f'File {mseed}. Native sampling rate below 10Hz.' 'Skipping this file..') os.remove(mseed) continue rdb.add_waveform(st, evt_str) # Everything went well os.remove(mseed) for tr in st: new_cont.setdefault(, []) new_cont[].append(evt_str) # Write content to the hdf5 file old_cont = rdb._get_table_of_contents() for k, v in old_cont.items(): try: new_cont[k].extend(v) except KeyError: new_cont[k] = v rdb._define_content(new_cont) if save_statxml: statxml = os.path.join(statloc, f'{net}.{stat}.xml') rdb.add_response(read_inventory(statxml)) if save_statxml: os.remove(statxml) # next station mseed_to_hdf5(rawfolder, save_statxml, statloc=statloc)
[docs]def statxml_to_hdf5( rawfolder: str or os.PathLike, statloc: str or os.PathLike): """ Write a statxml database to h5 files :param rawfolder: location that contains the h5 files :type rawfolder: stroros.PathLike :param statloc: location where the stationxmls are stored :type statloc: stroros.PathLike """ av_xml = glob.glob(os.path.join(statloc, '*.xml')) for xml in av_xml: try: inv = read_inventory(xml) net = inv[0].code stat = inv[0][0].code h5_file = os.path.join(rawfolder, f'{net}.{stat}.h5') with RawDatabase(h5_file) as rdb: rdb.add_response(inv) os.remove(xml) except Exception as e: logging.warning(f'Station XML could not be added to h5 file. {e}')
[docs]def save_raw_DB_single_station( network: str, station: str, saved: dict, st: Stream, rawloc: str, inv: Inventory): """ A variation of the above function that will open the ASDF file once and write all traces and then close it afterwards Save the raw waveform data in the desired format. The point of this function is mainly that the waveforms will be saved with the correct associations and at the correct locations. W are specifically writing event by event streams, so that we don't loose parts that are already downloaded! :param saved: Dictionary holding information about the original streams to identify them afterwards. :type saved: dict :param st: obspy stream holding all data (from various stations) :type st: Stream :param rawloc: Parental directory (with phase) to save the files in. :type rawloc: str :param inv: The inventory holding all the station information :type inv: Inventory """ # Get logger logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') # Filename of the station to be opened. fname = '%s.%s.h5' % (network, station) # Just use the same name event_ids = [] with RawDatabase(os.path.join(rawloc, fname)) as ds: # Inventory should be saved once to the the station file sinv =, station=station) ds.add_response(sinv) # Number of events N = len(saved['event']) Ns = len(str(N)) # Events should not be added because it will read the whole # catalogue every single time! outst = Stream() for _i, (evt, startt, endt, net, stat, chan) in enumerate(zip( saved['event'], saved['startt'], saved['endt'], saved['net'], saved['stat'], saved['chan'])): # Log the processed trace logger.debug( f'{net}.{stat}..{chan}: Processing #{_i+1:>{Ns}d}/{N}') # Get event id save string o = (evt.preferred_origin() or[0]) evt_id = pu.utc_save_str(o.time) # earlier we downloaded all locations, but we don't really want # to have several, so let's just keep one try: # Grab only single station from stream (should be only one...) sst =, station=stat, channel=chan) # This might actually be empty if so, let's just skip if sst.count() == 0: logger.debug(f'No trace of {net}.{stat} in Stream.') continue # This must assume that there is no overlap slst = sst.slice(startt, endt) # This might actually be empty if so, let's just skip if slst.count() == 0: print(f"No data for {net}.{stat} " f"and event {evt.resource_id}") continue # Only write the prevelant location locs = [tr.stats.location for tr in slst] filtloc = max(set(locs), key=locs.count) sslst = # This might actually be empty if so, let's just skip if sslst.count() == 0: print(f"No data for {net}.{stat} and " f"event {evt.resource_id}") continue write_st_to_ds(ds, sslst, evt_id) # Add substream to stream for content update outst += sslst event_ids.append(evt_id) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) # Create table of new contents new_cont = {} for tr, _evt_id in zip(outst, event_ids): new_cont.setdefault(, []) new_cont[].append(_evt_id) # Get old table of contents old_cont = ds._get_table_of_contents() # Extend the old table of contents for k, v in old_cont.items(): try: new_cont[k].extend(v) except KeyError: new_cont[k] = v # Redefine the table of contents. ds._define_content(new_cont)
[docs]def write_st_to_ds( ds: DBHandler, st: Stream, evt_id: str, resample: bool = True): """ Write raw waveform data to an asdf file. This includes the corresponding (teleseismic) event and the station inventory (i.e., response information). :param st: The stream holding the raw waveform data. :type st: Stream :param event: The seismic event associated to the recorded data. :type event: Event :param outfolder: Output folder to write the asdf file to. :type outfolder: str :param statxml: The station inventory :type statxml: Inventory :param resample: Resample the data to 10Hz sampling rate? Defaults to True. :type resample: bool, optional """ if resample: st = resample_or_decimate(st, 10) # Add waveforms and stationxml ds.add_waveform(st, evt_id, tag='raw')
[docs]def write_st( st: Stream, event: Event, outfolder: str, statxml: Inventory, resample: bool = True): """ Write raw waveform data to an asdf file. This includes the corresponding (teleseismic) event and the station inventory (i.e., response information). :param st: The stream holding the raw waveform data. :type st: Stream :param event: The seismic event associated to the recorded data. :type event: Event :param outfolder: Output folder to write the asdf file to. :type outfolder: str :param statxml: The station inventory :type statxml: Inventory :param resample: Resample the data to 10Hz sampling rate? Defaults to True. :type resample: bool, optional """ # Get event id origin = (event.preferred_origin() or[0]) evt_id = pu.utc_save_str(origin.time) if resample: st = resample_or_decimate(st, 10) netsta = set() for tr in st: netsta.add((, tr.stats.station)) for net, sta in netsta: fname = '%s.%s.h5' % (net, sta) subst =, station=sta) with RawDatabase(os.path.join(outfolder, fname)) as ds: # Events should not be added because it will read the whole # catalogue every single time! ds.add_waveform(subst, evt_id, tag='raw') ds.add_response(statxml) # If there are still problems, we will have # to check whether they are similar probelms to add event # Create table of new contents new_cont = {} for tr, in subst: new_cont.setdefault(, []) new_cont[].append(evt_id) # Get old table of contents old_cont = ds._get_table_of_contents() # Extend the old table of contents for k, v in old_cont.items(): try: new_cont[k].extend(v) except KeyError: new_cont[k] = v # Redefine the table of contents. ds._define_content(new_cont)