Source code for pyglimer.database.rfh5

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
   Peter Makus (

Created: Wednesday, 11th August 2021 03:20:09 pm
Last Modified: Friday, 16th September 2022 02:47:40 pm

import fnmatch
import os
import re
from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
# from numpy.core.fromnumeric import compress
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stats
import h5py

from pyglimer.rf.create import RFStream, RFTrace

hierarchy = "/{tag}/{network}/{station}/{phase}/{pol}/{evt_time}"
h5_FMTSTR = os.path.join("{dir}", "{network}.{station}.h5")

[docs]class DBHandler(h5py.File): """ The actual file handler of the hdf5 receiver function files. .. warning:: **Should not be accessed directly. Access :class:`~pyglimer.database.rfh5.RFDataBase` instead.** Child object of :class:`h5py.File` and inherets all its attributes and functions in addition to functions that are particularly useful for receiver functions. """ def __init__(self, path, mode, compression): super(DBHandler, self).__init__(path, mode=mode) if isinstance(compression, str): self.compression = re.findall(r'(\w+?)(\d+)', compression)[0][0] if self.compression != 'gzip': raise ValueError( 'Compression of type %s is not supported.' % self.compression) self.compression_opts = int( re.findall(r'(\w+?)(\d+)', compression)[0][1]) if self.compression_opts not in np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int): ii = np.argmin(abs( np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int) - self.compression_opts)) self.compression_opts = np.arange(1, 10, 1, dtype=int)[ii] warnings.warn( 'Chosen compression level is not available for %s. \ %s Has been chosen instead (closest)' % ( self.compression, str(self.compression_opts))) else: self.compression = None self.compression_opts = None def _close(self): self.close() def _add_known_waveform_data(self, ret: List[str], rej: List[str]): """ Known waveforms to receive. Is just a dictionary with two keys (each of which has a list as item with all retained or rejected waveforms). :param ret: list of retained waveforms :type ret: List[str] :param rej: List of rejeccted waveforms type rej: List[str] """ try: ds = self.create_dataset('known', data=np.empty(1)) except ValueError: ds = self['known'] # Already existing, just change attributes ds.attrs['ret'] = str(ret) ds.attrs['rej'] = str(rej)
[docs] def add_rf( self, data: RFTrace or RFStream, tag: str = 'rf'): """ Add receiver function to the hdf5 file. The data can later be accessed using the :meth:`~pyglimer.database.rfh5.DBHandler.get_data()` method. :param data: Data to save. Either a :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFTrace` object or a :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` holding one or several traces. :type data: RFTrace or RFStream :param tag: The tag that the data should be saved under. By convention, receiver functions are saved with the tag `'rf'`. :raises TypeError: for wrong data type. """ if not isinstance(data, RFTrace) and\ not isinstance(data, RFStream): raise TypeError('Data has to be either a \ :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFTrace` object or a \ :class:`~~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` object') if isinstance(data, RFTrace): data = [data] for tr in data: st = tr.stats path = hierarchy.format( tag=tag,, station=st.station, phase=st.phase, pol=st.pol, evt_time=st.event_time.format_fissures()) try: ds = self.create_dataset( path,, compression=self.compression, compression_opts=self.compression_opts) convert_header_to_hdf5(ds, st) except ValueError as e: print(e) warnings.warn("The dataset %s is already in file and will be \ omitted." % path, category=UserWarning)
[docs] def get_data( self, network: str, station: str, phase: str, evt_time: UTCDateTime, tag: str = 'rf', pol: str = 'v') -> RFStream: """ Returns a :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` holding all the requested data. .. note:: `Wildcards are allowed for all parameters`. :param network: network code, e.g., IU :type network: str :param station: station code, e.g., HRV :type station: str :param phase: Teleseismic phase :type phase: str :param evt_time: Origin Time of the Event :type evt_time: UTCDateTime, optional :param tag: Data tag (e.g., 'rf'). Defaults to rf. :type tag: str, optional :param pol: RF Polarisation. Defaults to v. :type pol: str, optional :return: a :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` holding the requested data. :rtype: RFStream """ try: evt_time = UTCDateTime(evt_time) evt_time = evt_time.format_fissures() except TypeError: evt_time = '*' path = hierarchy.format( tag=tag, network=network, station=station, phase=phase, pol=pol, evt_time=evt_time) # Extremely ugly way of changing the path if '*' not in path: data = np.array(self[path]) header = read_hdf5_header(self[path]) return RFStream(RFTrace(data, header=header)) # Now, we need to differ between the fnmatch pattern and the actually # acessed path pattern = path.replace('/*', '*') path = path.split('*')[0] try: return all_traces_recursive(self[path], RFStream(), pattern) except KeyError: warnings.warn( f'Could not find data from {network}.{station} for phase ' + f'{phase}, tag {tag}, polarisation {pol}, and time ' + f'{evt_time}. Returning empty Stream.') return RFStream()
[docs] def get_coords( self, network: str, station: str, phase: str = None, tag: str = 'rf') -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Return the coordinates of the station. :param network: Network Code. :type network: str :param station: Station Code :type station: str :param phase: Teleseismic Phase, defaults to None :type phase: str, optional :return: Latitude (dec deg), Longitude (dec deg), Elevation (m) :rtype: Tuple[ float, float, float] """ # This might look confusing but it's actually not looping but just # choosing the first available file try: for ph in self[tag][network][station].keys(): phi = phase or ph for pol in self[tag][network][station][phi].keys(): for t in self[tag][network][station][phi][pol].keys(): rf = self.get_data( network, station, phi, t, tag, pol) if not rf.count(): continue return ( rf[0].stats.station_latitude, rf[0].stats.station_longitude, rf[0].stats.station_elevation) except KeyError: # No data? warnings.warn( 'No Data for station %s.%s and phase %s. Returns None.' % ( network, station, phase )) return None, None, None
def _get_known_waveforms(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: try: ds = self['known'] rej = eval(ds.attrs['rej']) ret = eval(ds.attrs['ret']) except (KeyError, AttributeError): ret = [] rej = [] return ret, rej
[docs] def walk( self, tag: str, network: str, station: str, phase: str, pol: str = 'v') -> Iterable[RFTrace]: """ Iterate over all receiver functions with the given properties. :param tag: data tag :type tag: str :param network: Network code :type network: str :param station: Statio ncode :type station: str :param phase: Teleseismic phase :type phase: str :param pol: RF-Polarisation, defaults to 'v' :type pol: str, optional :return: Iterator :rtype: Iterable[RFTrace] :yield: one :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFTrace` per receiver function. :rtype: Iterator[Iterable[RFTrace]] .. note:: Does not accept wildcards. """ for v in self[tag][network][station][phase][pol].values(): yield RFTrace(np.array(v), header=read_hdf5_header(v))
[docs]class RFDataBase(object): """ Base class to handle the hdf5 files that contain receiver functions. """ def __init__( self, path: str, mode: str = 'a', compression: str = 'gzip3'): """ Access an hdf5 file holding receiver functions. The resulting file can be accessed using all functionalities of `h5py <>`_ (for example as a dict). :param path: Full path to the file :type path: str :param mode: Mode to access the file. Options are: 'a' for all, 'w' for write, 'r+' for writing in an already existing file, or 'r' for read-only , defaults to 'a'. :type mode: str, optional :param compression: The compression algorithm and compression level that the arrays should be saved with. 'gzip3' tends to perform well, else you could choose 'gzipx' where x is a digit between 1 and 9 (i.e., 9 is the highest compression) or None for fastest perfomance, defaults to 'gzip3'. :type compression: str, optional .. warning:: **Access only through a context manager (see below):** >>> with RFDataBase('myfile.h5') as rfdb: >>> type(rfdb) # This is a DBHandler <class 'pyglimer.database.rfh5.DBHandler'> Example:: >>> with RFDataBase( '/path/to/db/XN.NEP06.h5') as rfdb: >>> # find the available tags for existing db >>> print(list(rfdb.keys())) ['rf', 'rfstack'] >>> # Get Data from all times and tag rf, phase P >>> st = rfdb.get_data( >>> 'XN', 'NEP06', 'P', '*', 'rf') >>> print(st.count()) 250 """ # Create / read file if not path.split('.')[-1] == 'h5': path += '.h5' self.path = path self.mode = mode self.compression = compression def __enter__(self) -> DBHandler: self.db_handler = DBHandler( self.path, self.mode, self.compression) return self.db_handler def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb) -> None or bool: self.db_handler._close() if exc_type is not None: return False
[docs]def all_traces_recursive( group:, stream: RFStream, pattern: str) -> RFStream: """ Recursively, appends all traces in a h5py group to the input stream. In addition this will check whether the data matches a certain pattern. :param group: group to search through :type group: class:`` :param stream: Stream to append the traces to :type stream: Stream :param pattern: pattern for the path in the hdf5 file, see fnmatch for details. :type pattern: str :return: Stream with appended traces :rtype: Stream """ for v in group.values(): if isinstance(v, all_traces_recursive(v, stream, pattern) elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(, pattern) and not in pattern: continue else: # try: stream.append( RFTrace(np.array(v), header=read_hdf5_header(v))) # except ValueError: # warnings.warn( # 'Header could not be converted. Attributes are: %s' % ( # str(v.attrs))) return stream
[docs]def convert_header_to_hdf5(dataset: h5py.Dataset, header: Stats): """ Convert an :class:`~obspy.core.Stats` object and adds it to the provided hdf5 dataset. :param dataset: the dataset that the header should be added to :type dataset: h5py.Dataset :param header: The trace's header :type header: Stats """ header = dict(header) for key in header: try: if isinstance(header[key], UTCDateTime): # convert time to string header[key] = header[key].format_fissures() dataset.attrs[key] = header[key] except TypeError: logging.debug( f'The header contains an item of type {type(header[key])}.' + 'Information of this type cannot be written to hdf5.') continue
[docs]def read_hdf5_header(dataset: h5py.Dataset) -> Stats: """ Takes an hdf5 dataset as input and returns the header of the Trace. :param dataset: The dataset to be read from :type dataset: h5py.Dataset :return: The trace's header :rtype: Stats """ attrs = dataset.attrs time_keys = ['starttime', 'endtime', 'onset', 'event_time'] header = {} for key in attrs: if key in time_keys: try: header[key] = UTCDateTime(attrs[key]) except ValueError as e: # temporary fix of obspy's UTCDateTime issue. SHould be removed # as soon as they release version 1.23 if attrs[key][4:8] == '360T': new = list(attrs[key]) new[6] = '1' header[key] = UTCDateTime(''.join(new)) - 86400 else: raise e elif key == 'processing': header[key] = list(attrs[key]) else: header[key] = attrs[key] return Stats(header)