Source code for pyglimer.plot.plot_utils

Plot utilities not to modify plots or base plots.

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Lucas Sawade (
    Peter Makus (

Created: Wednesday, 20th October 2021 05:05:08 pm
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19th October 2022 11:29:22 am

import os
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy
from import PlateCarree

from pyglimer.constants import maxz, res

def set_mpl_params(bold=False):
    params = {
        '': "DejaVu Sans",
        'font.size': 14 if bold else 12,
        # 'pdf.fonttype': 3,
        'font.weight': 'bold' if bold else 'normal',
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        # 'ps.fonttype': 42,
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        # 'pdf.use14corefonts': True,
        'axes.unicode_minus': False,
        'axes.labelweight': 'bold' if bold else 'normal',
        'axes.labelsize': 'medium' if bold else 'small',
        'axes.titlesize': 'large' if bold else 'medium',
        'axes.linewidth': 1,
        'axes.grid': False,
        'grid.color': "k",
        'grid.linestyle': ":",
        'grid.alpha': 0.7,
        'xtick.labelsize': 'medium' if bold else 'small',
        'xtick.direction': 'out',
        '': True,  # draw label on the top
        'xtick.bottom': True,  # draw label on the bottom
        'xtick.minor.visible': True,
        '': True,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'xtick.major.bottom': True,  # draw x axis bottom major ticks
        'xtick.major.size': 4,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'xtick.major.width': 1,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        '': True,  # draw x axis top minor ticks
        'xtick.minor.bottom': True,  # draw x axis bottom minor ticks
        'xtick.minor.width': 1,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'xtick.minor.size': 2,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'ytick.labelsize': 'medium' if bold else 'small',
        'ytick.direction': 'out',
        'ytick.left': True,  # draw label on the top
        'ytick.right': True,  # draw label on the bottom
        'ytick.minor.visible': True,
        'ytick.major.left': True,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'ytick.major.right': True,  # draw x axis bottom major ticks
        'ytick.major.size': 4,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'ytick.major.width': 1,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'ytick.minor.left': True,  # draw x axis top minor ticks
        'ytick.minor.right': True,  # draw x axis bottom minor ticks
        'ytick.minor.size': 2,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'ytick.minor.width': 1,  # draw x axis top major ticks
        'legend.fancybox': False,
        'legend.frameon': True,
        'legend.loc': 'best',
        'legend.numpoints': 1,
        'legend.fontsize': 'medium' if bold else 'small',
        'legend.framealpha': 1,
        'legend.scatterpoints': 3,
        'legend.edgecolor': 'inherit',
        'legend.facecolor': 'w',
        'mathtext.fontset': 'custom',
        'mathtext.rm': 'DejaVu Sans',
        '': 'DejaVu Sans:italic',
        '': 'DejaVu Sans:bold'

[docs]def remove_all(ax=None, top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False, xticks='none', yticks='none'): """Removes all frames and ticks.""" # Get current axis if none given. if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Hide the right and top spines ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(bottom) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(left) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(right) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(top) # Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position(yticks) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position(xticks) # Turn off tick labels ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([])
[docs]def remove_topright(ax=None): """Removes top and right border and ticks from input axes.""" # Get current axis if none given. if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Hide the right and top spines ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom')
[docs]def plot_catalog(catalog): """ Takes in event catalog and plots events as a function of location and moment magnitude.""" plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7.5)) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=PlateCarree()) size = 1 mags = [] lats = [] lons = [] for event in catalog: # Get mag mags.append(event.preferred_magnitude().mag) # Get location origin = event.preferred_origin() lats.append(origin.latitude) lons.append(origin.longitude) # Add coastline ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND, zorder=-2, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5, facecolor=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)) # Plot events c = ax.scatter( np.array(lons), np.array(lats), c=np.array(mags), s=size*np.array(mags)**3, marker="o", cmap="magma", vmin=3, vmax=7.5, edgecolor="k", linewidth=0.75, zorder=201) cbar = plt.colorbar(c, pad=0.005, shrink=1)" $M_w$", rotation=0)
[docs]def plot_single_rf( rf, tlim: list or tuple or None = None, ylim: list or tuple or None = None, depth: np.ndarray or None = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, outputdir: str = None, pre_fix: str = None, post_fix: str = None, format: str = 'pdf', clean: bool = False, std: np.ndarray = None, flipxy: bool = False, color: str = 'seismic', show: bool = True, bold: bool = False): """Creates plot of a single receiver function Parameters ---------- rf : :class:`pyglimer.RFTrace` single receiver function trace tlim: list or tuple or None x axis time limits in seconds if type=='time' or depth in km if type==depth (len(list)==2). If `None` full trace is plotted. Default None. ylim: list or tuple or None y axis amplitude limits in. If `None` ± 1.05 absmax. Default None. depth: :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array of depths ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes`, optional Can define an axes to plot the RF into. Defaults to None. If None, new figure is created. outputdir : str, optional If set, saves a pdf of the plot to the directory. If None, plot will be shown instantly. Defaults to None. pre_fix : str, optional prepend filename post_fix : str, optional append to filename clean: bool, optional If True, clears out all axes and plots RF only. Defaults to False. std: np.ndarray, optional **Only if self.type == stastack**. Plots the upper and lower limit of the standard deviation in the plot. Provide the std as a numpy array (can be easily computed from the output of :meth:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream.bootstrap`) flipxy: bool, optional Plot Depth/Time on the Y-Axis and amplitude on the x-axis. Defaults to False. color: str, optional Color-scale to use. Options are 'seismic', 'pyglimer', or 'mono'. Defaults to 'seismic'. show: bool, optional Execute Defaults to True Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` """ set_mpl_params(bold) if color == 'seismic': colorp = (0.9, 0.2, 0.2) colorn = (0.2, 0.2, 0.7) elif color == 'pyglimer': colorp = "#f7931e" colorn = "#008edd" elif color == 'mono': colorp = 'k' colorn = 'grey' else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown argument for color: {color}.') # Get figure/axes dimensions if ax is None: if flipxy: height, width = 8, 3 else: width, height = 10, 2.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) ax = plt.axes(zorder=9999999) axtmp = None else: fig = plt.gcf() bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed( fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height axtmp = ax # The ratio ensures that the text # is perfectly distanced from top left/right corner ratio = width/height # Use times depending on phase and moveout correction ydata = if rf.stats.type == 'time': # Get times times = rf.times() - (rf.stats.onset - rf.stats.starttime) if rf.stats.phase[-1] == 'S': times = np.flip(times) ydata = np.flip( else: z = np.hstack( ((np.arange(-10, 0, .1)), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) times = z # Plot stuff into axes if flipxy: if std is not None: ax.plot(ydata-std, times, 'k--', lw=0.75) ax.plot(ydata+std, times, 'k--', lw=0.75) ax.fill_betweenx( times, 0, ydata, where=ydata > 0, interpolate=True, color=colorp, alpha=.8) ax.fill_betweenx( times, 0, ydata, where=ydata < 0, interpolate=True, color=colorn, alpha=.8) else: ax.fill_betweenx( times, 0, ydata, where=ydata > 0, interpolate=True, color=colorp, alpha=.8) ax.fill_betweenx( times, 0, ydata, where=ydata < 0, interpolate=True, color=colorn, alpha=.8) ax.plot(ydata, times, 'k', lw=0.75) # Set limits if tlim is None: # don't really wanna see the stuff before ax.set_ylim(0, times[-1]) else: ax.set_ylim(tlim) if ylim is None: absmax = 1.1 * np.max(np.abs(ydata)) ax.set_xlim([-absmax, absmax]) else: ax.set_xlim(ylim) ax.invert_yaxis() else: if std is not None: ax.plot(times, ydata-std, 'k--', lw=0.75) ax.plot(times, ydata+std, 'k--', lw=0.75) ax.fill_between(times, 0, ydata, where=ydata > 0, interpolate=True, color=colorp, alpha=.8) ax.fill_between(times, 0, ydata, where=ydata < 0, interpolate=True, color=colorn, alpha=.8) else: ax.fill_between(times, 0, ydata, where=ydata > 0, interpolate=True, color=colorp, alpha=.8) ax.fill_between(times, 0, ydata, where=ydata < 0, interpolate=True, color=colorn, alpha=.8) ax.plot(times, ydata, 'k', lw=0.75) # Set limits if tlim is None: ax.set_xlim(0, times[-1]) # don't really wanna see the stuff before else: ax.set_xlim(tlim) if ylim is None: absmax = 1.1 * np.max(np.abs(ydata)) ax.set_ylim([-absmax, absmax]) else: ax.set_ylim(ylim) # Removes top/right axes spines. If you want the whole thing, comment # or remove remove_topright() # Plot RF only if clean: remove_all() else: if rf.stats.type == 'time': if flipxy: ax.set_ylabel("Conversion Time [s]", rotation=90) else: ax.set_xlabel("Conversion Time [s]") else: if flipxy: ax.set_ylabel("Conversion Depth [km]", rotation=90) else: ax.set_xlabel("Conversion Depth [km]") if flipxy: ax.set_xlabel("A ", rotation=0) else: ax.set_ylabel("A ", rotation=0) # Start time in station stack does not make sense if rf.stats.type == 'stastack': text = rf.get_id() else: text = rf.stats.starttime.isoformat(sep=" ") + "\n" + rf.get_id() ax.text(0.995, 1.0-0.005*ratio, text, transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top") # Only use tight layout if not part of plot. if axtmp is None: plt.tight_layout() # Outout the receiver function as pdf using # its station name and starttime if outputdir is not None: # Set pre and post fix if pre_fix is not None: pre_fix = pre_fix + "_" else: pre_fix = "" if post_fix is not None: post_fix = "_" + post_fix else: post_fix = "" # Get filename filename = os.path.join( outputdir, pre_fix + rf.get_id() + "_" + rf.stats.starttime.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') + post_fix + f".{format}") plt.savefig(filename, format=format, transparent=True) elif show: return ax
[docs]def plot_section( rfst, channel="PRF", timelimits: list or tuple or None = None, epilimits: list or tuple or None = None, scalingfactor: float = 2.0, ax: plt.Axes = None, line: bool = True, linewidth: float = 0.25, outputfile: str or None = None, title: str or None = None, show: bool = True, format: str = None, color: str = 'seismic', bold: bool = False): """Creates plot of a receiver function section as a function of epicentral distance. Parameters ---------- rfst : :class:`pyglimer.RFStream` Stream of receiver functions timelimits : list or tuple or None y axis time limits in seconds (len(list)==2). If `None` full traces is plotted. Default None. epilimits : list or tuple or None = None, y axis time limits in seconds (len(list)==2). If `None` from 30 to 90 degrees plotted. Default None. scalingfactor : float sets the scale for the traces. Could be automated in future functions(Something like mean distance between traces) Defaults to 2.0 line : bool plots black line of the actual RF Defaults to True linewidth: float sets linewidth of individual traces ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes`, optional Can define an axes to plot the RF into. Defaults to None. If None, new figure is created. outputdir : str, optional If set, saves a pdf of the plot to the directory. If None, plot will be shown instantly. Defaults to None. clean: bool If True, clears out all axes and plots RF only. Defaults to False. color: str, optional Color-scale to use. Options are 'seismic', 'pyglimer', or 'mono'. Defaults to 'seismic'. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` """ set_mpl_params(bold) if color == 'seismic': colorp = (0.9, 0.2, 0.2) colorn = (0.2, 0.2, 0.7) elif color == 'pyglimer': colorp = "#f7931e" colorn = "#008edd" elif color == 'mono': colorp = 'k' colorn = 'grey' else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown argument for color: {color}.') # Create figure if no axes is specified if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.axes(zorder=9999999) # Grab one component only # That doesn't work anymore. Was there an update in the obspy function? # rfst_chan = rfst.sort(channel=channel).sort(keys=['distance']) rfst_chan = rfst.sort(keys=['distance']) if not len(rfst_chan): raise ValueError( 'There are no receiver functions of channel %s in the RFStream.' % channel) # Plot traces for _i, rf in enumerate(rfst_chan): if rf.stats.type == 'time': times = rf.times() - (rf.stats.onset - rf.stats.starttime) if rf.stats.phase[-1] == 'S': times = np.flip(times) else: z = rf.stats.pp_depth times = z rftmp = * scalingfactor \ + rf.stats.distance ax.fill_betweenx(times, rf.stats.distance, rftmp, where=rftmp < rf.stats.distance, interpolate=True, color=colorn, zorder=-_i, alpha=.8) ax.fill_betweenx(times, rf.stats.distance, rftmp, where=rftmp > rf.stats.distance, interpolate=True, color=colorp, zorder=-_i - 0.1, alpha=.8) if line: ax.plot(rftmp, times, 'k', lw=linewidth, zorder=-_i + 0.1) # Set limits if epilimits is None: plt.xlim(epilimits) else: plt.xlim(epilimits) if timelimits is None: if rfst[0].stats.type == 'time': ylim0 = 0 else: ylim0 = times[0] ylim1 = times[-1] + ylim0 plt.ylim(ylim0, ylim1) else: plt.ylim(timelimits) ax.invert_yaxis() # Set labels plt.xlabel(r"$\Delta$ [$^{\circ}$]") if rfst[0].stats.type == 'time': plt.ylabel(r"Time [s]") else: plt.ylabel(r"Depth [km]") # Set title if title is not None: plt.title(title) else: plt.title("%s component" % channel) # Set output directory if outputfile: plt.savefig(outputfile, dpi=300, transparent=True, format=format) elif show: return ax
def combined_single_station_plot( rfst, stack, ylim: Tuple[float, float] = None, std: np.ndarray = None, scalingfactor: float = 6, outputfile: str = None, fmt: str = None, dpi=300, title: str = None, color: str = 'seismic', bold: bool = False): set_mpl_params(bold) fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots( 1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 2]}, figsize=(10, 10)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # no space between panels plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) # ax0 = plt.subplot(121) plot_single_rf( stack, flipxy=True, std=std, ax=ax0, color=color, show=False, bold=bold) ax0.set_title('Stack') # Full Box ax0.spines['right'].set_visible(True) ax0.spines['top'].set_visible(True) # Only show ticks on the left ticks ax0.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax0.set_xlabel(None) ax0.set_xticklabels([]) ax0.set_xticks([]) for txt in ax0.texts: txt.remove() # Section plot # ax1 = plt.subplot(122, sharey=ax0) ax1 = plot_section( rfst, line=False, scalingfactor=scalingfactor, timelimits=ylim, ax=ax1, show=False, title='Individual Receiver Functions', color=color, bold=bold) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(True) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(True) ax1.set_xlabel(r'Epicentral Distance, $\Delta$ [$^{\circ}$]') ax1.tick_params( axis='both', which='both', right=False, top=False, labelleft=False, direction='inout') plt.ylabel(None) if outputfile is not None: plt.savefig(outputfile, transparent=True, format=fmt, dpi=dpi)
[docs]def baz_hist(az, nbins, bold=False): """ Takes in backazimuth distribution and number of bins to compute the distribution of incoming angles. Parameters ---------- az : numpy.ndarray azimuthal distribution in 1D array nbins : int Number of bins Returns -------å None """ set_mpl_params(bold) # Get axes (or create one) ax = plt.gca() # Define bins bin_edges = np.linspace(0, 360, nbins+1) cts, edges = np.histogram(az, bins=bin_edges) # Define bars xbaz = edges[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(edges) wbaz = np.diff(edges) # Plot bars bars =*np.pi, cts, wbaz/180*np.pi, bottom=0.0) for r, bar in zip(cts, bars): bar.set_facecolor( / np.max(cts))) # Define limits and labels ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi/8)) ax.set_xticklabels(['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW']) labels = ax.get_xticklabels() plt.title('Backazimuth') for label in labels: pos = label.get_position() label.set_position([pos[0], pos[1]-0.02])
[docs]def rayp_hist(rayp, nbins, v=5.8, bold=False): """ Takes in rayparameter distribution and number of bins to compute the distribution of incoming angles. Parameters ---------- rayp: numpy.ndarray 1D ndarray of rayparameters nbins: int Number of bins v: float assummed surface velocity for the computation of the incidence angle. Default 5.8 km/s. phase: string indicates which incidence wave is meant 'S' or 'P'. Default is 'P' simple defines boundaries of the plot nothing more nothing less. Returns ------- None Notes ----- Get Incidence angle p = sin i/v <--> v sin i / p <--> i = asin(vp) Default value 5.8 km/s taken from PREM. """ set_mpl_params(bold) # Compute the angle angle = np.arcsin(rayp*v) # Use existing polar axis ax = plt.gca() # Define bins and bin angles bin_edges = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, nbins+1) cts, edges = np.histogram(angle, bins=bin_edges) # Compute bars xbaz = edges[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(edges) wbaz = np.diff(edges) # Plot colored histogram bars =, cts, wbaz, bottom=0.0) bars =, cts, wbaz, bottom=0.0) for r, bar in zip(cts, bars): bar.set_facecolor( / np.max(cts))) # Change axis limits and labels ax.set_rorigin(2*np.max(cts)) ax.set_rmin(1.05*np.max(cts)) ax.set_rmax(0) ax.set_theta_zero_location('S') ax.set_theta_direction(1) ax.set_thetamin(7.5) ax.set_thetamax(35) labels = ax.get_xticklabels() plt.title('Incident Angle') for label in labels: pos = label.get_position() label.set_position([pos[0], pos[1]-0.02]) ax.tick_params(labelleft=True, labelright=False, labeltop=False, labelbottom=True)
[docs]def stream_dist( rayp: list or np.array, baz: list or np.array, nbins: float = 50, v: float = 5.8, phase: str = 'P', outputfile: None or str = None, format: str = "pdf", dpi: int = 300, title: str = None, bold: bool = False): """Uses backazimuth and rayparameter histogram plotting tools to create combined overview over the Distribution of incident waves. Parameters ---------- rayp: numpy.ndarray 1D ndarray of rayparameters az: numpy.ndarray azimuthal distribution in 1D array nbins: int Number of bins v: float assummed surface velocity for the computation of the incidence angle. Default 5.8 km/s. phase: string indicates which incidence wave is meant 'S' or 'P'. Default is 'P' simple defines boundaries of the rayparemeter plot nothing more nothing less. outputfile: str or None Path to savefile. If None plot is not saved just shown. Defaults to None. format: str outputfile format dpi: int only used if file format is none vector. bold: bool, optional Print titles and labels larger """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4.5)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=19, fontweight='bold') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) plt.subplot(121, projection="polar") baz_hist(baz, nbins, bold=bold) plt.subplot(122, projection="polar") rayp_hist(rayp, nbins, v=v, bold=bold) if outputfile: if format in ["pdf", "epsg", "svg", "ps"]: dpi = None plt.savefig(outputfile, format=format, dpi=dpi)