Source code for pyglimer.rf.create

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A toolset to create RFs and RF classes

Database management and overview for the PyGLImER database.

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Peter Makus (

Created: Friday, 12th February 2020 03:24:30 pm
Last Modified: Wednesday, 19th October 2022 11:28:13 am

**The file is split and has a second copyright disclaimer**
Some parts of this code are modified versions of the rf module by
Tom Eulenfeld.

from copy import deepcopy
import json
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import List, Tuple
import warnings
import os

from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from obspy import read, Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import AttribDict
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from import hann
from import finddir

from pyglimer.rf.deconvolve import it, spectraldivision, multitaper
from pyglimer.rf.moveout import DEG2KM, maxz, maxzm, res, moveout, dt_table,\
from pyglimer.plot.plot_utils import plot_section, plot_single_rf, stream_dist
from pyglimer.utils.geo_utils import fix_map_extent
from pyglimer.utils.statistics import stack_case_resampling

logger = logging.Logger("rf")

[docs]def createRF( st_in: Stream, phase: str, pol: str = 'v', onset: UTCDateTime = None, method: str = 'it', trim: Tuple[float, float] = None, event=None, station=None, info: dict = None): """ Creates a receiver function with the defined method from an obspy stream. :param st_in: Stream of which components are to be deconvolved. :type st_in: ~obspy.Stream :param phase: Either "P" or "S". :type phase: str :param pol: Polarisation to be deconvolved from. Only for phase = P, defaults to 'v' :type pol: str, optional :param onset: Is used to shift function rather than shift if provided. If info is provided, it will be extracted from info file, defaults to None :type onset: ~obspy.UTCDateTime, optional :param method: Deconvolution method, "waterlevel", 'dampedf' for constant damping level, 'it' for iterative time domain deconvoltuion, 'multit' for multitaper or 'fqd' for frequency dependently damped spectral division. The default is iterative time domain ('it'). :type method: str, optional :param trim: taper/truncate. Given as tuple (a, b) in s - left,right. The default is None. :type trim: tuple, optional :param event: Event File used to extract additional information about arrival. Provide either event and station or info dict. The default is None. :type event: ~obspy.core.event, optional :param station: Dictionary containing station information, defaults to None :type station: '~obspy.core.station', optional :param info: Dictionary containing information about the waveform, used to extract additional information for header. The default is None. :type info: dict, optional :raises Exception: If deconvolution method is unknown. :raises Exception: For wrong trim input. :return: RFTrace object containing receiver function. :rtype: :class:`~pyglimer.create.RFTrace` """ pol = pol.lower() if pol not in ('h', 'v'): raise NotImplementedError('Unknown polarisation %s.' % pol) if info: ii = info['starttime'].index(st_in[0].stats.starttime) shift = info['onset'][ii] - st_in[0].stats.starttime info['pol'] = pol elif onset: shift = onset - st_in[0].stats.starttime else: raise ValueError( 'Provide either info dict as input or give args manually ' + '(see docstring).') # sampling interval dt = st_in[0] # deep copy stream st = st_in.copy() RF = st.copy() # Shorten RF stream while RF.count() > 1: del RF[1] RF[0] = phase + "RF" # taper traces if trim: if not type(trim) == list and len(trim) != 2: raise Exception( """Trim has to be given as list with two elements [a, b]. Where a and b are the taper length in s on the left and right side, respectively.""") # Hann taper with 7.5s taper window tap = hann(round(15 / dt)) taper = np.ones(st[0].stats.npts) taper[:int((trim[0] - 7.5) / dt)] = float(0) taper[-int((trim[1] - 7.5) / dt):] = float(0) taper[int((trim[0] - 7.5) / dt):int(trim[0] / dt)] = \ tap[:round(7.5 / dt)] taper[-int(trim[1] / dt):-int((trim[1] - 7.5) / dt)] = \ tap[-round(7.5 / dt):] for tr in st: = np.multiply(, taper) # Identify components stream = {} for tr in st: stream[[2]] = # define denominator v and enumerator u if phase[-1] == "P" and "R" in stream: if "Z" in stream: v = stream["Z"] elif "3" in stream: v = stream["3"] if pol == 'v': u = stream["R"] elif pol == 'h': u = stream["T"] elif phase[-1] == "P" and "Q" in stream: v = stream["L"] if pol == 'v': u = stream["Q"] elif pol == 'h': u = stream['T'] elif phase[-1] == "P" and "V" in stream: v = stream["P"] if pol == 'v': u = stream["V"] elif pol == 'h': u = stream["H"] elif phase[-1] == "S" and "R" in stream: if "Z" in stream: u = stream["Z"] elif "3" in stream: u = stream["3"] v = stream["R"] elif phase[-1] == "S" and "Q" in stream: u = stream["L"] v = stream["Q"] elif phase[-1] == "S" and "V" in stream: u = stream["P"] v = stream["V"] else: raise ValueError('Strange Input. Is you stream in a valid coordinate\ system? Is your phase accepted?\ For example, PyGLImER does not allow for deconvolution of\ a stream in NEZ.') # Deconvolution if method == "it": if phase[-1] == "S": width = 1.5 # change for Kind (2015) to 1 elif phase[-1] == "P": width = 2.5 else: raise ValueError('Phase %s is not supported.' % phase) lrf = None RF[0].data = it(v, u, dt, shift=shift, width=width)[0] elif method == "dampedf": RF[0].data, lrf = spectraldivision( v, u, dt, shift, "con", phase=phase[-1]) elif method == "waterlevel": RF[0].data, lrf = spectraldivision( v, u, dt, shift, "wat", phase=phase[-1]) elif method == 'fqd': RF[0].data, lrf = spectraldivision( v, u, dt, shift, "fqd", phase=phase[-1]) elif method == 'multit': RF[0].data, lrf, _, _ = multitaper(v, u, dt, shift, "con") # remove noise caused by multitaper RF.filter('lowpass', freq=2.50, zerophase=True, corners=2) else: raise ValueError("%s is no valid deconvolution method." % method) if lrf is not None: # Normalisation for spectral division and multitaper # In order to do that, we have to find the factor that is necassary to # bring the zero-time pulse to 1 fact = lrf[round(shift/dt)] RF[0].data = RF[0].data/fact # I could probably create another QC here and check if fact is # the maximum of RF[0].data or even close to the maximum. Let's try: if abs(fact) < abs(lrf).max()/2: raise ValueError( 'The noise level of the created receiver function is ' + 'too high.') # create RFTrace object # create stats stats = rfstats( phase, info=info, starttime=st[0].stats.starttime, event=event, station=station) stats.update({"type": "time"}) RF = RFTrace(trace=RF[0]) RF.stats.update(stats) return RF
[docs]def read_by_station(network: str, station: str, phase: str, rfdir: str): """ Convenience method to read all available receiver functions of one station and a particular phase into one single stream. Subsequently, one could for instance do a station stack by using :func:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream.station_stack()`. Parameters ---------- network : str Network shortcut, two digits, e.g. "IU". station : str Station shortcut, three digits, e.g. "HRV" phase : str Primary phase ("S" or "P") rfdir : str Parental directory, in that the RF database is located Returns ------- :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` RFStream object containing all receiver function of station x. """ files = os.listdir(os.path.join(rfdir, phase, network, station)) rflist = [] for f in files: infile = os.path.join(rfdir, phase, network, station, f) # Append RFTrace rflist.append(read_rf(infile)[0]) # Create RFStream object rfst = RFStream(traces=rflist) return rfst
""" All objects and functions below are modified versions as in Tom Eulenfeld's rf project or contain substantial parts from this code. License below. The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ def __get_event_origin_prop(h): def wrapper(event): try: r = (event.preferred_origin() or[0])[h] except IndexError: raise ValueError('No origin') if r is None: raise ValueError('No origin ' + h) if h == 'depth': r = r / 1000 return r return wrapper def __get_event_magnitude(event): try: return (event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0])['mag'] except IndexError: raise ValueError('No magnitude') def __get_event_id(event): evid = event.get('resource_id') if evid is not None: evid = str(evid) return evid def __SAC2UTC(stats, head): from import get_sac_reftime return get_sac_reftime(stats.sac) + stats[head] def __UTC2SAC(stats, head): from import get_sac_reftime return stats[head] - get_sac_reftime(stats.sac) _STATION_GETTER = (('station_latitude', itemgetter('latitude')), ('station_longitude', itemgetter('longitude')), ('station_elevation', itemgetter('elevation'))) _EVENT_GETTER = ( ('event_latitude', __get_event_origin_prop('latitude')), ('event_longitude', __get_event_origin_prop('longitude')), ('event_depth', __get_event_origin_prop('depth')), ('event_magnitude', __get_event_magnitude), ('event_time', __get_event_origin_prop('time')), ('event_id', __get_event_id)) # header values which will be written to waveform formats (SAC and Q) # H5 simply writes all stats entries _HEADERS = ( tuple(zip(*_STATION_GETTER))[0] + tuple(zip(*_EVENT_GETTER))[0][:-1] + ( # do not write event_id 'onset', 'type', 'phase', 'moveout', 'distance', 'back_azimuth', 'inclination', 'slowness', 'pp_latitude', 'pp_longitude', 'pp_depth', 'box_pos', 'box_length')) # The corresponding header fields in the format # The following headers can at the moment only be stored for H5: # slowness_before_moveout, box_lonlat, event_id _FORMATHEADERS = {'sac': ('stla', 'stlo', 'stel', 'evla', 'evlo', 'evdp', 'mag', 'o', 'a', 'kuser0', 'kuser1', 'kuser2', 'gcarc', 'baz', 'user0', 'user1', 'user2', 'user3', 'user4', 'user5', 'user6'), # field 'COMMENT' is violated for different information 'sh': ('COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'LAT', 'LON', 'DEPTH', 'MAGNITUDE', 'ORIGIN', 'P-ONSET', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'DISTANCE', 'AZIMUTH', 'INCI', 'SLOWNESS', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT')} _HEADER_CONVERSIONS = {'sac': {'onset': (__SAC2UTC, __UTC2SAC), 'event_time': (__SAC2UTC, __UTC2SAC)}}
[docs]def read_rf(pathname_or_url: str = None, format: str = None, **kwargs): """ Read waveform files into RFStream object. See :func:`` in ObsPy. :param pathname_or_url: Path to file. :type pathname_or_url: str :param format: str, defaults to None :type format: e.g. "MSEED" or "SAC". Will attempt to determine from ending if = None. The default is None. :return: RFStream object from file. :rtype: :class:`~pyglimer.createRF.RFStream` """ if pathname_or_url is None: pathname_or_url = os.path.join(finddir(), 'examples', 'PRF.sac') stream = read(pathname_or_url, format=format, **kwargs) stream = RFStream(stream) # Calculate piercing points for depth migrated RF for tr in stream: if tr.stats.type == "depth": tr.ppoint('iasp91.dat') return stream
[docs]class RFStream(Stream): """ Class providing the necessary functions for receiver function calculation. :param traces: list of traces, single trace or stream object To initialize a RFStream from a Stream object use >>> rfstream = RFStream(stream) To initialize a RFStream from a file use >>> rfstream = read_rf('test.SAC') Format specific headers are loaded into the stats object of all traces. """ def __init__(self, traces=None): self.traces = [] if isinstance(traces, Trace): traces = [traces] if traces: for tr in traces: if not isinstance(tr, RFTrace): tr = RFTrace(trace=tr) self.traces.append(tr) super(RFStream, self).__init__(traces=self.traces) def __is_set(self, header): return all(header in tr.stats for tr in self) def __get_unique_header(self, header): values = set(tr.stats[header] for tr in self if header in tr.stats) if len(values) > 1: warnings.warn('Header %s has different values in stream.' % header) if len(values) == 1: return values.pop() @property def type(self): """Property for the type of stream, 'rf', 'profile' or None""" return self.__get_unique_header('type') @type.setter def type(self, value): for tr in self: tr.stats.type = value @property def method(self): """Property for used rf method, 'P' or 'S'""" phase = self.__get_unique_header('phase') if phase is not None: return phase.upper() @method.setter def method(self, value): for tr in self: tr.stats.phase = value
[docs] def write(self, filename, format, **kwargs): """ Save stream to file including format specific headers. See `Stream.write() <>` in ObsPy. """ if len(self) == 0: return for tr in self: if tr.stats.type == 'depth': # Lists cannot be written in header tr.stats.pp_depth = None tr.stats.pp_longitude = None tr.stats.pp_latitude = None tr._write_format_specific_header(format) if format.upper() == 'Q': tr.stats.station = if format.upper() == 'H5': raise ValueError( 'Use the rfh5 module to add rfs to h5 file.') super(RFStream, self).write(filename, format, **kwargs) # if format.upper() == 'H5' and index: # obspyh5.set_index(old_index) if format.upper() == 'Q': for tr in self: tr.stats.station = tr.stats.station.split('.')[1]
[docs] def bootstrap( self, b: int = 1000, vmodel_file: str = 'iasp91.dat') -> List[ np.ndarray]: """ Monte Carlo Case resampling algorithm that creates b numbers of replacement resampled stacks of the moveout corrected receiver function. The returned list can be used to compute statistical measures like standard deviation, standard error, median, etc. :param b: Number of iterations that the algorithm is supposed to perform, defaults to 1000. :type b: int, optional :param vmodel_file: The velocity model to use for the depth migration. Defaults to 'iasp91.dat' :type vmodel_file: str :return: A list of the bootstraped stacks. :rtype: List[np.ndarray] """ st = self[0].stats if vmodel_file == 'iasp91.dat' or vmodel_file == 'raysum.dat': latb = None lonb = None else: latb = (st.station_latitude-10, st.station_latitude+10) lonb = (st.station_longitude-20, st.station_longitude+20) _, RF_mo = self.moveout( vmodel=vmodel_file, latb=latb, lonb=lonb, multiple=False) data = np.empty((RF_mo.count(), RF_mo[0].count())) for ii, tr in enumerate(RF_mo): data[ii] = return stack_case_resampling(data, b)
[docs] def trim2(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, reftime=None, **kwargs): """ Alternative trim method accepting relative times. See :meth:``. Parameters ---------- starttime: UTCDateTime or float, optional starttime as UTC or seconds relative to reftime endtime: UTCDateTime or float, optional endtime as UTC or seconds relative to reftime reftime : UTCDateTime, optional reference time, can be an UTCDateTime object or a string. The string will be looked up in the stats dictionary (e.g. 'starttime', 'endtime', 'onset'). """ for tr in self.traces: t1 = tr._seconds2utc(starttime, reftime=reftime) t2 = tr._seconds2utc(endtime, reftime=reftime) tr.trim(t1, t2, **kwargs) self.traces = [_i for _i in self.traces if _i.stats.npts] return self
[docs] def slice2(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, reftime=None, keep_empty_traces=False, **kwargs): """ Alternative slice method accepting relative times. See :meth:`` and `trim2()`. """ traces = [] for tr in self: t1 = tr._seconds2utc(starttime, reftime=reftime) t2 = tr._seconds2utc(endtime, reftime=reftime) sliced_trace = tr.slice(t1, t2, **kwargs) if not keep_empty_traces and not sliced_trace.stats.npts: continue traces.append(sliced_trace) return self.__class__(traces)
[docs] def moveout( self, vmodel: str = 'iasp91.dat', multiple: bool = False, latb: tuple or None = None, lonb: tuple or None = None, taper: bool = True): """ Depth migration of all receiver functions given Stream. Also calculates piercing points and adds them to RFTrace.stats. :param vmodel: Velocity model located in /data/vmodel. Standard options are iasp91.dat and 3D (GYPSuM). :type vmodel: str :param multiple: Appends two multiple mode RFs to the returned RFStream. False by default. :type multiple: bool, optional :param latb: Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT, defaults to None :type latb: Tuple, optional :param lonb: Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon), defaults to None :type lonb: Tuple, optional :param taper: If True, the last 10km of the RF will be tapered, which avoids jumps in station stacks. Should be False for CCP stacks, defaults to True. :type taper: bool, optional :return: 1D np.ndarray containing depths and an object of type depth. :rtype: 1D np.ndarray, :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` """ RF_mo = [] for tr in self: try: z, mo, RFm1, RFm2 = tr.moveout( vmodel, latb=latb, lonb=lonb, taper=taper, multiple=multiple) except TypeError: # This trace is already depth migrated RF_mo.append(tr) continue RF_mo.append(mo) if multiple: RF_mo.append(RFm1) RF_mo.append(RFm2) st = RFStream(traces=RF_mo) if 'z' not in locals(): z = np.hstack( ((np.arange(-10, 0, .1)), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) return z, st
[docs] def ppoint(self, vmodel_file='iasp91.dat', latb=None, lonb=None): """ Calculates piercing points for all receiver functions in given RFStream and adds them to self.stats in form of lat, lon and depth. :param vmodel_file: velocity model located in /data/vmodel. The default is 'iasp91.dat'. :type vmodel_file: str, optional :param latb: Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT, defaults to None. :type latb: tuple, optional :param lonb: Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon), defaults to None :type lonb: tuple, optional. """ for tr in self: tr.ppoint(vmodel=vmodel_file, latb=latb, lonb=lonb)
[docs] def station_stack(self, vmodel_file='iasp91.dat', multiple=False) -> tuple: """ Performs a moveout correction and stacks all receiver functions in Stream. Make sure that Stream only contains RF from one station! :param vmodel_file: 1D velocity model in data/vmodels. The default is 'iasp91.dat'. :type vmodel_file: str, optional :param multiple: Should RFs for multiples be calculated? If yes, the parameter has to be a string, providing the stacking mode; i.e. 'linear', 'zk' for a Zhu & Kanamori approach, or 'pws' for a phase-weighted stacking. False by default. :type multiple: bool or str, optional :return: z : Depth Vector. stack : Object containing station stack. RF_mo : Object containing depth migrated traces. :rtype: z : 1D np.ndarray stack : :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFTrace` RF_mo : :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream` """ st = self[0].stats if vmodel_file == 'iasp91.dat' or vmodel_file == 'raysum.dat': latb = None lonb = None else: latb = (st.station_latitude-10, st.station_latitude+10) lonb = (st.station_longitude-20, st.station_longitude+20) z, RF_mo = self.moveout( vmodel=vmodel_file, latb=latb, lonb=lonb, multiple=multiple) # RF_mo.normalize() # make sure traces are normalised traces = [] if not multiple: for tr in RF_mo: if == 'm1' or == 'm2': # skip multiples continue traces.append( stack = np.average(traces, axis=0) elif multiple == 'linear': continue_again = False ii = np.where(z == maxzm)[0][0] # maximal depth for multiples for tr in RF_mo: if == 'm1' or == 'm2': if tr.stats.type == 'empty': if continue_again: traces.append(np.zeros(traces[0].shape)) continue_again = False continue traces[-1][:ii] = traces[-1][:ii]*3 traces.append(np.zeros(traces[0].shape)) warnings.warn('Skipping multiple mode for trace.') continue_again = True continue traces.append( else: tempdata = deepcopy( tempdata[ii+1:] = tempdata[ii+1:]*3 traces.append(tempdata) stack = np.average(traces, axis=0) elif multiple == 'zk': ii = np.where(z == maxzm)[0][0] continue_again = False for tr in RF_mo: tempdata = deepcopy( if tr.stats.type == 'empty': if continue_again: traces.append(np.zeros(traces[0].shape)) continue_again = False continue traces[-1][:ii] = traces[-1][:ii]/.7 traces.append(np.zeros(traces[0].shape)) warnings.warn('Skipping multiple mode for trace.') continue_again = True continue elif == 'm1': tempdata = tempdata*.2 elif == 'm2': tempdata = tempdata*.1 else: tempdata[:ii] = tempdata[:ii]*.7 traces.append(tempdata) stack = np.average(traces, axis=0)*3 # Only use multiples (no stacking of several modes) elif multiple == 'm1' or multiple == 'm2': for tr in RF_mo: if == multiple: traces.append( stack = np.average(traces, axis=0) elif multiple == 'm': for tr in RF_mo: if[0] == 'm': traces.append( stack = np.average(traces, axis=0) else: raise ValueError('Unknown multiple mode: %s.' % multiple) stack = RFTrace(data=stack, header=self[0].stats) stack.stats.update({"type": "stastack", "starttime": UTCDateTime(0), "pp_depth": None, "pp_latitude": None, "pp_longitude": None, 'npts': len(stack)}) return z, stack, RF_mo
[docs] def plot( self, channel: str = "PRF", lim: list or tuple or None = None, epilimits: list or tuple or None = None, scalingfactor: float = 2.0, ax: plt.Axes = None, line: bool = True, linewidth: float = 0.25, outputdir: str or None = None, title: str or None = None, show: bool = True, format: str = 'pdf', color: str = 'seismic', bold: bool = False): """Creates plot of a receiver function section as a function of epicentral distance or single plot if len(RFStream)==1. Parameters ---------- lim : list or tuple or None y axis time limits in seconds (if self.stats.type==time) or depth in km (if self.stats==depth) (len(list)==2). If `None` full traces is plotted. Default None. epilimits : list or tuple or None = None, y axis time limits in seconds (len(list)==2). If `None` from 30 to 90 degrees plotted. Default None. scalingfactor : float sets the scale for the traces. Could be automated in future functions(Something like mean distance between traces) Defaults to 2.0 line : bool plots black line of the actual RF Defaults to True linewidth: float sets linewidth of individual traces ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes`, optional Can define an axes to plot the RF into. Defaults to None. If None, new figure is created. outputdir : str, optional If set, saves a pdf of the plot to the directory. If None, plot will be shown instantly. Defaults to None. clean: bool If True, clears out all axes and plots RF only. Defaults to False. color: str, optional Color-scale to use. Options are 'seismic', 'pyglimer', or 'mono'. Defaults to 'seismic'. bold: bool, optional Print titles and labels larger Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` """ if self.count() == 1: # Do single plot ax = plot_single_rf( self[0], tlim=lim, ax=ax, outputdir=outputdir, format=format, color=color, bold=bold) else: if outputdir: outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s%s' % ( self[0], self[0].stats.station )) else: outputfile = None ax = plot_section( self, timelimits=lim, epilimits=epilimits, scalingfactor=scalingfactor, line=line, linewidth=linewidth, ax=ax, outputfile=outputfile, channel=channel, format=format, color=color, bold=bold) return ax
[docs] def plot_distribution( self, nbins=50, phase="P", outputfile=None, format="pdf", dpi=300, title: str = None, bold: bool = False): """ Plot back azimuth and rayparameter distributions. Parameters ---------- nbins : int Number of bins. Default v : float assummed surface velocity for the computation of the incidence angle. Default 5.8 km/s. outputfile : str, optional Path to savefile. If None plot is not saved just shown. Defaults to None. format : str, optional outputfile format dpi : int, optional only used if file format is none vector. bold: bool, optional Print titles and labels larger Returns ------- None """ # Define velocity depending on the incident phase if phase[-1] == "P": v = 5.793 # PREM vp velocity at the surface else: v = 3.191 # PREM vs velocity at the surface # Get rayparameter and backazimuth from stream. rayp = [] baz = [] for rf in self: if rf.stats.phase != phase: continue rayp.append(rf.stats.slowness / DEG2KM) baz.append(rf.stats.back_azimuth) if not len(baz): raise ValueError( 'No Receiver Functions of Phase %s found,\ did you choose the right phase?' % phase) stream_dist( np.array(rayp), np.array(baz), nbins=nbins, v=v, outputfile=outputfile, format=format, dpi=dpi, title=title, bold=bold)
[docs] def dirty_ccp_stack( self, dlon: float = 1.0, z_res: float = 1.0, extent=[-180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 90.0], maxz=750, vmodel_file='iasp91.dat'): """This is the simplest way of creating quick not really accurate CCP stacks. .. warning:: There are some things that the user should be aware of. The bins right at the poles may or may not have very different areas compared to the other bins, which is a side effect of the iterative computation of bin area correction. I have an idea on how to fix it, but it is not really necessary right now. If you are working with stations at the pole, and you want to CCP stack, I'd strongly advise against using this function anyways. The bins are just too narrow. This really is just a 'dirty' CCP stack and should only be used as a first order check if thing are ok. Parameters ---------- dlon : float, optional stetp size in longitude, by default 1.0 z_res : float, optional depth resolution, by default 1.0 extent : list, optional list of bounds [minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat], by default [-180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 90.0] maxz : int, optional maxz, by default 750 vmodel_file : str, optional velocity model file. IASP91 1-D model used as standard since the assumption of rectangular bins is already a bit rough, by default 'iasp91.dat' Returns ------- tuple containing, vectors outlining the mesh illumination etc. """ # Check whether moveout and piercing points have been computed. # Then, use a 3d histogram to create stacks, and create them quickly # Create"Computing Move-out correction") _, st = self.moveout(vmodel=vmodel_file) #"Getting locations corresponding to the traces") latitude, longitude, depth, rf = [], [], [], [] for _tr in st: latitude.extend(_tr.stats.pp_latitude) longitude.extend(_tr.stats.pp_longitude) depth.extend(_tr.stats.pp_depth) # Doubt that it's saved like this rf.extend( # WGS84 values: f = 1/298.257223563 a = 6378.137 # in meters e = 2*f-f**2 # Surface area A = dlon**2 * (DEG2KM**2) # Get value of degree resolution in kilometers for a given latitude def Dlon(theta): return dlon * np.pi * a * np.cos(theta/180*np.pi) \ / (180 * np.sqrt(1 - e**2 * np.sin(theta/180*np.pi)**2)) # Correct the latitudinal spacing by iteratively walk to the pole lat = [0.0] i = 0 while lat[-1] < 90.0: dlat = A/Dlon(lat[-1])/DEG2KM lat.append(lat[-1] + dlat) i += 1 lat = np.array(lat) # Filter out values larger than 90deg lat = lat[np.where(lat <= 90)] # Add 90.0 to at least include every value, lat = np.append(lat, 90.0) # Get how many "rings" # fdlat = lat[-1] - lat[-2] # Compute cap area # cap_theta = lat[-2] # area_per_dlon = 2*np.pi * a**2 * \ # (1-np.cos(cap_theta/180*np.pi)) / (360/dlon) # Number of longitude bins at the pol that correspond to one equatorial # bin # Not used anymore # ndlon = int(np.ceil(A/area_per_dlon)) # Create binedges blat = np.hstack((-lat[::-1], 0, lat)) blon = np.arange(-180.0, 180.0 + dlon, dlon) bz = np.arange(-10, maxz, z_res) # Get buffered extent fextent = fix_map_extent(extent) # Fix the geographical bin edges depending on the extent blon = blon[np.where((fextent[0] <= blon) & (blon <= fextent[1]))] blat = blat[np.where((fextent[2] <= blat) & (blat <= fextent[3]))] # Create Volumes points = np.vstack( (np.array(longitude), np.array(latitude), np.array(depth))).T bins = (blon, blat, bz) ccp, _ = np.histogramdd(points, bins=bins, weights=rf) illum, _ = np.histogramdd(points, bins=bins) # #### This is unused at the moment because it is not required for the # #### code to work and only a correction for bins at the very pole. # Cut up range into chunks to fix the pol bins. # Number of chunks at the pole # print(len(blon)) # print(ndlon) # nchunks = len(blon) // ndlon # # Number of chunks at the Poles # slicerange = np.arange(0, len(blon)-1) # chunks = [slicerange[_i*ndlon:_i*ndlon+ndlon] # for _i in range(nchunks)] # # Fix omitted chunks # chunks.append(slicerange[-(len(blon) - chunks[-1][-1] - 1):]) # # Loop over chunks at the poles # for _chunk in chunks: # # South Pole (looks like a dimension mismatch, but should work) # ccpvals = np.sum(ccp[_chunk, 0, :], axis=0) # ccp[_chunk, 0, :] = ccpvals # illumvals = np.sum(illum[_chunk, 0, :], axis=0) # illum[_chunk, 0, :] = illumvals # # North Pole # ccpvals = np.sum(ccp[_chunk, -1, :], axis=0) # ccp[_chunk, -1, :] = ccpvals # illumvals = np.sum(illum[_chunk, -1, :], axis=0) # illum[_chunk, -1, :] = illumvals # Normalize histograms # Workaround for zero count values tto not get an error. # Where counts == 0, zi = 0, else zi = zz/counts ccpi = np.zeros_like(ccp) ccpi[illum.astype(bool)] = ccp[illum.astype(bool)] / \ illum[illum.astype(bool)] # bin centers latc = (blat[:-1] + blat[1:])/2 lonc = (blon[:-1] + blon[1:])/2 zc = bz[:-1] # Create Object from bincenters, and stacks? return latc, lonc, zc, ccpi, illum
[docs]class RFTrace(Trace): """ Class providing the Trace object for receiver function calculation. This object is a modified version of Tom Eulenfeld's rf project's RFStream class. License below. The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ def __init__(self, data=None, header=None, trace=None): if header is None: header = {} if trace is not None: data = header = trace.stats elif data is None: raise ValueError('You have to provide data.') super(RFTrace, self).__init__(data=data, header=header) st = self.stats if ('_format' in st and st._format.upper() == 'Q' and st.station.count('.') > 0):, st.station, st.location = st.station.split('.')[:3] self._read_format_specific_header() def __str__(self, id_length=None): if 'onset' not in self.stats: return super(RFTrace, self).__str__(id_length=id_length) out = [] type_ = self.stats.get('type') if type_ is not None: m = self.stats.get('phase') m = m[-1].upper() if m is not None else '' o1 = m + 'rf' if type_ != 'rf': o1 = o1 + ' ' + type_ if'...'): o1 = o1 + ' (%s)' %[-1] else: o1 = o1 + ' ' + else: o1 = out.append(o1) t1 = self.stats.starttime - self.stats.onset t2 = self.stats.endtime - self.stats.onset o2 = '%.1fs - %.1fs' % (t1, t2) if self.stats.starttime.timestamp != 0: o2 = o2 + ' onset:%s' % self.stats.onset out.append(o2) out.append('{sampling_rate} Hz, {npts} samples') o3 = [] if 'event_magnitude' in self.stats: o3.append('mag:{event_magnitude:.1f}') if 'distance' in self.stats: o3.append('dist:{distance:.1f}') if 'back_azimuth' in self.stats: o3.append('baz:{back_azimuth:.1f}') if 'box_pos' in self.stats: o3.append('pos:{box_pos:.2f}km') if 'slowness' in self.stats: o3.append('slow:{slowness:.2f}') if 'moveout' in self.stats: o3.append('({moveout} moveout)') if o3.append('(masked)') out.append(' '.join(o3)) return ' | '.join(out).format(**self.stats) def _read_format_specific_header(self, format=None): st = self.stats if format is None: if '_format' not in st: return format = st._format format = format.lower() if format == 'q': format = 'sh' try: header_map = zip(_HEADERS, _FORMATHEADERS[format]) except KeyError: # file format is H5 or not supported return read_comment = False for head, head_format in header_map: if format == 'sh' and read_comment: continue try: value = st[format][head_format] except KeyError: continue else: if format == 'sac' and '-12345' in str(value): pass elif format == 'sh' and head_format == 'COMMENT': st.update(json.loads(value)) continue else: st[head] = value try: convert = _HEADER_CONVERSIONS[format][head][0] st[head] = convert(st, head) except KeyError: pass def _write_format_specific_header(self, format): st = self.stats format = format.lower() if format == 'q': format = 'sh' elif format == 'sac': # make sure SAC reference time is set from import obspy_to_sac_header self.stats.sac = obspy_to_sac_header(self.stats) try: header_map = zip(_HEADERS, _FORMATHEADERS[format]) except KeyError: # file format is H5 or not supported return if format not in st: st[format] = AttribDict({}) if format == 'sh': comment = {} for head, head_format in header_map: if format == 'sh' and head_format == 'COMMENT': try: comment[head] = st[head] except KeyError: pass continue try: val = st[head] except KeyError: continue try: convert = _HEADER_CONVERSIONS[format][head][1] val = convert(st, head) except KeyError: pass st[format][head_format] = val if format == 'sh' and len(comment) > 0: def default(obj): # convert numpy types return np.asscalar(obj) st[format]['COMMENT'] = json.dumps(comment, separators=(',', ':'), default=default) def _seconds2utc(self, seconds, reftime=None): """Return UTCDateTime given as seconds relative to reftime""" from import Iterable from obspy import UTCDateTime as UTC if isinstance(seconds, Iterable): return [self._seconds2utc(s, reftime=reftime) for s in seconds] if isinstance(seconds, UTC) or reftime is None or seconds is None: return seconds if not isinstance(reftime, UTC): reftime = self.stats[reftime] return reftime + seconds
[docs] def moveout( self, vmodel: str, multiple: bool = False, latb: tuple or None = None, lonb: tuple or None = None, taper: bool = True): """ Depth migration of the receiver function. Also calculates piercing points and adds them to RFTrace.stats. :param vmodel: Velocity model located in /data/vmodel. Standard options are iasp91.dat and 3D (GYPSuM). :type vmodel: str :param multiple: Should RFs from multiples be computed and returned? False by default. :type multiple: bool , optional :param latb: Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT, defaults to None :type latb: Tuple, optional :param lonb: Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon), defaults to None :type lonb: Tuple, optional :param taper: If True, the last 10km of the RF will be tapered, which avoids jumps in station stacks. Should be False for CCP stacks, defaults to True. :type taper: bool, optional :return: 1D np.ndarray containing depths and an RFTrace object of type depth. :rtype: 1D np.ndarray, :class:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFTrace` """ st = self.stats if st.type == "depth" or st.type == "stastack": raise TypeError("RF is already depth migrated.") if st.phase[-1] == 'S' and multiple: raise NotImplementedError( 'Multiple mode for S receiver functions is not supported') z, RF_mo, delta, RFm1, RFm2 = moveout(, st, vmodel, latb=latb, lonb=lonb, taper=taper, multiple=multiple) st.pp_latitude = [] st.pp_longitude = [] # as the other ones are filled with nans we can start here st.pp_depth = z # Calculate ppoint position for dis in delta: lat = st.station_latitude lon = st.station_longitude az = st.back_azimuth coords = Geodesic.WGS84.ArcDirect(lat, lon, az, dis) lat2, lon2 = coords['lat2'], coords['lon2'] st.pp_latitude.append(lat2) st.pp_longitude.append(lon2) # Create trace object RF_mo = RFTrace(data=RF_mo, header=st) RF_mo.stats.update({"type": "depth", "npts": len(}) if multiple: try: RFm1 = RFTrace(data=RFm1, header=st) RFm2 = RFTrace(data=RFm2, header=st) RFm1.stats.update( {"type": "depth", "npts": len(, "channel": 'm1'}) RFm2.stats.update( {"type": "depth", "npts": len(, "channel": 'm2'}) except ValueError: # For interpolation errors -> RFm1 or m2 is None RFm1 = RFTrace(data=np.array([]), header=st) RFm2 = RFTrace(data=np.array([]), header=st) RFm1.stats.update( {"type": "empty", "npts": 0, "channel": 'm1'}) RFm2.stats.update( {"type": "empty", "npts": 0, "channel": 'm2'}) return z, RF_mo, RFm1, RFm2
[docs] def ppoint(self, vmodel, latb=None, lonb=None): """ Calculates piercing points for receiver function in and adds them to self.stats in form of lat, lon and depth. :param vmodel_file: velocity model located in /data/vmodel. The default is 'iasp91.dat'. :type vmodel_file: str, optional :param latb: Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT, defaults to None. :type latb: tuple, optional :param lonb: Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon), defaults to None :type lonb: tuple, optional. """ st = self.stats if vmodel == '3D': htab, _, delta, _, _ = dt_table_3D( st.slowness, st.phase, st.station_latitude, st.station_longitude, st.back_azimuth, st.station_elevation, latb, lonb, False) else: htab, _, delta, _, _ = dt_table( st.slowness, vmodel, st.phase, st.station_elevation, False) st.pp_depth = np.hstack( (np.arange(-10, 0, .1), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) delta2 = np.empty(st.pp_depth.shape) delta2.fill(np.nan) # Find first pp depth starti = np.nonzero(np.isclose(st.pp_depth, htab[0]))[0][0] # print(len(delta)) # Create full-length distance vector delta2[starti:starti+len(delta)] = delta st.pp_latitude = [] st.pp_longitude = [] for dis in delta2: lat = st.station_latitude lon = st.station_longitude az = st.back_azimuth coords = Geodesic.WGS84.ArcDirect(lat, lon, az, dis) lat2, lon2 = coords['lat2'], coords['lon2'] st.pp_latitude.append(lat2) st.pp_longitude.append(lon2) return delta2
[docs] def plot( self, lim: list or tuple or None = None, depth: np.ndarray or None = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, outputdir: str = None, format: str = 'pdf', clean: bool = False, std: np.ndarray = None, flipxy: bool = False, color: str = 'seismic', bold: bool = False): """Creates plot of a single receiver function Parameters ---------- lim: list or tuple or None x axis time limits in seconds or km (depth) (len(list)==2). If `None` full trace is plotted. Default None. depth: :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array of depths ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes`, optional Can define an axes to plot the RF into. Defaults to None. If None, new figure is created. outputdir : str, optional If set, saves a pdf of the plot to the directory. If None, plot will be shown instantly. Defaults to None. clean: bool If True, clears out all axes and plots RF only. Defaults to False. std: np.ndarray, optional **Only if self.type == stastack**. Plots the upper and lower limit of the standard deviation in the plot. Provide the std as a numpy array (can be easily computed from the output of :meth:`~pyglimer.rf.create.RFStream.bootstrap`) flipxy: bool, optional Plot Depth/Time on the Y-Axis and amplitude on the x-axis. Defaults to False. color: str, optional Color-scale to use. Options are 'seismic', 'pyglimer', or 'mono'. Defaults to 'seismic'. bold: bool, optional Print titles and labels larger Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` """ ax = plot_single_rf( self, lim, depth=depth, ax=ax, outputdir=outputdir, clean=clean, format=format, std=std, flipxy=flipxy, color=color, bold=bold) return ax
[docs] def write(self, filename, format, **kwargs): """ Save current trace into a file including format specific headers. See `Trace.write() <obspy.core.trace.Trace.write>` in ObsPy. """ RFStream([self]).write(filename, format, **kwargs)
[docs]def obj2stats(event=None, station=None): """ Map event and station object to stats with attributes. :param event: Event File. The default is None. :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event`, optional :param station: Station file with attributes lat, lon, and elevation. The default is None. :type station: :class:`~obspy.core.Station`, optional :return: Stats object with station and event attributes. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.AttribDict` """ stats = AttribDict({}) if event is not None: for key, getter in _EVENT_GETTER: stats[key] = getter(event) if station is not None: for key, getter in _STATION_GETTER: stats[key] = getter(station) return stats
[docs]def rfstats( phase, info=None, starttime=None, event=None, station=None, tt_model="IASP91"): """ Creates a stats object for a RFTrace object. Provide an info dic and starttime or event and station object. Latter will take longer since computations are redone. :param phase: Either "P" or "S" for main phase. :type phase: str :param info: Dictionary containing information about waveform. Can be None if event and station are provided. Has to be given in combination with starttime, defaults to None. :type info: dict :param starttime: Starttime of first trace in stream, used as identifier in info dict. The default is None. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.UTCDateTime`, optional :param event: Event file, provide together with station file if info=None. The default is None. :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event`, optional :param station: Station inventory with attributes lat, lon, and elevation, defaults to None :type station: :class:`~obspy.core.Station`, optional :param tt_model: TauPy model to calculate arrival, only used if no info file is given. The default is "IASP91". :type tt_model: str, optional :raises Exception: For unavailable phases :return: Stats file for a RFTrace object with event and station attributes, distance, back_azimuth, onset and ray parameter. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.AttribDict` """ stats = AttribDict({}) # read info file if provided if info and starttime: i = info["starttime"].index(starttime) stats.update({ 'distance': info["rdelta"][i], 'back_azimuth': info["rbaz"][i], 'onset': info["onset"][i], 'slowness': info["rayp_s_deg"][i], 'phase': phase, 'event_latitude': info["evtlat"][i], 'pol': info['pol'], 'event_longitude': info["evtlon"][i], 'event_depth': info["evt_depth"][i], 'event_magnitude': info["magnitude"][i], 'event_time': UTCDateTime(info["ot_ret"][i]), 'station_latitude': info["statlat"], 'station_longitude': info["statlon"], 'station_elevation': info["statel"] }) if "evt_id" in info: stats.update({"event_id": info["evt_id"][i]}) elif event is not None and station is not None: stats.update(obj2stats(event=event, station=station)) dist, rbaz, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(stats.station_latitude, stats.station_longitude, stats.event_latitude, stats.event_longitude) # Calculate arrival parameters dist = dist / 1000 / DEG2KM tt_model = TauPyModel(model=tt_model) arrivals = tt_model.get_travel_times(stats.event_depth, dist, (phase,)) if len(arrivals) == 0: raise Exception('TauPy does not return phase %s at distance %s' % (phase, dist)) if len(arrivals) > 1: msg = ('TauPy returns more than one arrival for phase %s at ' 'distance -> take first arrival') warnings.warn(msg % (phase, dist)) arrival = arrivals[0] onset = stats.event_time + arrival.time rayp = arrival.ray_param_sec_degree stats.update({'rdelta': dist, 'rbaz': rbaz, 'onset': onset, 'rayp_s_deg': rayp, 'phase': phase}) return stats