Source code for pyglimer.rf.moveout

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions for moveout correction and station stacking.

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Peter Makus (

!The file is split and has a second copyright disclaimer!

Created: Tuesday, 7th April 2020 10:08:30 am
Last Modified: Monday, 30th May 2022 02:56:38 pm

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy.signal.filter import lowpass
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from scipy import interpolate
from import hann

from import finddir
from pyglimer.constants import R_EARTH, DEG2KM, maxz, res, maxzm
from pyglimer.utils.createvmodel import load_gyps


[docs]def moveout( data: np.ndarray, st: obspy.core.trace.Stats, fname: str, latb: tuple, lonb: tuple, taper: bool, multiple: bool = False): """ Depth migration for RF. Corrects the for the moveout of a converted phase. Flips time axis and polarity of SRF. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Receiver Function. st : obspy.core.trace.Stats Stream stats fname : str 1D velocity model for moveout correction. Use '3D' for a 3D raytracing. latb : tuple Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT. lonb : tuple Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon) taper : bool If True, the last 10km of the RF will be tapered, which avoids jumps in station stacks. If False, the upper 5 km will be tapered. Should be False for CCP stacks. multiple : bool, optional Either False (don't include multiples), 'linear' for linear stack, 'PWS' (phase weighted stack or "zk" for a zhu & kanamori approach). False by default., by default False Returns ------- z2 : Arraylike Depth vector in km. RF2 : Arraylike Vector containing the depth migrated RF. delta : Arraylike Vector containing Euclidian distance of piercing point from the station at depth z. """ onset = st.onset tas = round((onset - st.starttime)/ # theoretical arrival sample rayp = st.slowness # Ray parameter phase = st.phase # Primary phase el = st.station_elevation phase = phase[-1] if fname[-2:] == '3D': test = fname == 'raysum3D' if test: test = int(st.station) # The dip of the LABx htab, dt, delta, dtm1, dtm2 = dt_table_3D( rayp, phase, st.station_latitude, st.station_longitude, st.back_azimuth, el, latb, lonb, multiple, test=test) # Multiple modes else: # dtm1 is PPS for PRFs (SSP SRFs), dtm2 PSS (SPP SRFs) htab, dt, delta, dtm1, dtm2 = dt_table( rayp, fname, phase, el, multiple) # queried times tq = np.arange(0, round(max(dt), 1), z = np.interp(tq, dt, htab) # Depth array for first RF (not evenly spaced) # Flip SRF if phase.upper() == "S": data = np.flip(data) data = -data tas = -tas # Shorten RF data = data[tas:] # Taper the first 2.5 seconds i = round(2.5/ # Find where rf is depth = 5 tap = hann((i+1)*2) up, _ = np.split(tap, 2) if len(data) > len(up): # That usually doesn't happen, only for extreme # discontinuities in 3D model and errors in SRF data taperfun = np.ones(len(data)) taperfun[:len(up)] = up data = np.multiply(taperfun, data) if len(z) <= len(data): RF = data[:len(z)] else: # truncate z not RF # 16.07.2020 this shouldn't be happening, but I'm experiencing an error # that might be prevented here z = z[:len(data)] RF = data[:len(z)] if round(min(z), int(-np.log10(res))) <= 0: zq = np.hstack( (np.arange(min(z), 0, .1), np.arange(0, max(z)+res, res))) else: zq = np.arange(round(min(z), int(-np.log10(res))), max(z)+res) if multiple: # lowpass filter see Tauzin et. al. (2016) RF = lowpass(RF, 1, st.sampling_rate, zerophase=True) # interpolate RF try: tck = interpolate.splrep(z, RF) except TypeError: # Happens almost never, the RF is empty? # No data or some bug in the data # correction and RF is too short, just return everything 0 mes = "The length of the Receiver Function is" + str(len(z)) + "and\ therefore too short, setting = 0." warnings.warn(mes, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=1) z2 = np.hstack((np.arange(-10, 0, .1), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) RF2 = np.zeros(z2.shape) delta2 = np.empty(z2.shape) delta2.fill(np.nan) return z2, RF2, delta2 RF = interpolate.splev(zq, tck) # for the multiple modes if multiple: # Multiples are only useful for the upper part of the lithosphere # I will go with the upper ~constants.maxzm km for now if htab[len(dtm1)-1] > maxzm: dtm1 = dtm1[:np.where(htab >= maxzm)[0][0]] if htab[len(dtm2)-1] > maxzm: dtm2 = dtm2[:np.where(htab >= maxzm)[0][0]] tqm1 = np.arange(0, round(max(dtm1), 1), tqm2 = np.arange(0, round(max(dtm2), 1), zm1 = np.interp(tqm1, dtm1, htab[:len(dtm1)]) zm2 = np.interp(tqm2, dtm2, htab[:len(dtm2)]) # truncate RF RFm1 = data[:len(zm1)] RFm2 = data[:len(zm2)] # lowpass filter see Tauzin et. al. (2016) RFm1 = lowpass(RFm1, .25, st.sampling_rate, zerophase=True) RFm2 = lowpass(RFm2, .25, st.sampling_rate, zerophase=True) try: tckm1 = interpolate.splrep(zm1, RFm1) tckm2 = interpolate.splrep(zm2, RFm2) except TypeError: multiple = False mes = "Interpolation error in multiples. Only primary conversion\ will be used." warnings.warn(mes, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=1) pass if multiple: # query depths if round(min(zm1), int(-np.log10(res))) <= 0: zqm1 = np.hstack( (np.arange(min(zm1), 0, .1), np.arange(0, max(zm1)+res, res))) zqm2 = np.hstack( (np.arange(min(zm2), 0, .1), np.arange(0, max(zm2)+res, res))) else: zqm1 = np.arange( round(min(zm1), int(-np.log10(res))), max(zm1)+res) zqm2 = np.arange( round(min(zm2), int(-np.log10(res))), max(zm2)+res) RFm1 = interpolate.splev(zqm1, tckm1) # negative due to polarity change RFm2 = -1*interpolate.splev(zqm2, tckm2) if taper: # Taper the last 10 km tap = hann(20) _, down = np.split(tap, 2) if len(RF) > len(down): # That usually doesn't happen, # only for extreme # discontinuities in 3D model and errors in SRF data taper = np.ones(len(RF)) taper[-len(down):] = down RF = np.multiply(taper, RF) z2 = np.hstack((np.arange(-10, 0, .1), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) RF2 = np.zeros(z2.shape) # np.where does not seem to work here starti = np.nonzero(np.isclose(z2, htab[0]))[0][0] if len(RF)+starti > len(RF2): # truncate # Honestly do not know why that what happen, but it does once in a # million times, perhaps rounding + interpolation. mes = "The interpolated RF is too long, truncating." warnings.warn(mes, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=1) diff = len(RF) + starti - len(RF2) RF = RF[:-diff] RF2[starti:starti+len(RF)] = RF if multiple: RFm1_2 = np.zeros(RF2.shape) RFm2_2 = np.zeros(RF2.shape) RFm1_2[starti:starti+len(RFm1)] = RFm1 RFm2_2[starti:starti+len(RFm2)] = RFm2 else: RFm1_2 = None RFm2_2 = None # reshape delta - else that will mess with the CCP stacking delta2 = np.empty(z2.shape) delta2.fill(np.nan) delta2[starti:starti+len(delta)] = delta return z2, RF2, delta2, RFm1_2, RFm2_2
[docs]def dt_table_3D( rayp: float, phase: str, lat, lon, baz, el, latb, lonb, multiple: bool, test=False): """ Creates a phase delay table and calculates piercing points for a specific ray parameter, using the equation as in Rondenay 2009. For SRF: The length of the output vectors is determined by the depth, at which Sp conversion is supercritical (vertical slowness = complex). Parameters ---------- rayp : float ray-parameter given in s/deg. fname : string 1D velocity model, located in data/vmodels. phase : string Either "S" for Sp or "P" for Ps. el : float station elevation in m. latb : Tuple Tuple in Form (minlat, maxlat). To save RAM on 3D raytraycing. Will remain unused for 1D RT. lonb : Tuple Tuple in Form (minlon, maxlon) test : Bool If True, the raysum 3D model is loaded. Returns ------- htab: np.array Vector containing conversion depths. dt: np.array Vector containing delay times between primary arrival and converted wave. delta: np.array Vector containing Euclidian distance of piercing point from the station at depth z. """ p = rayp/DEG2KM # convert to s/km model = load_gyps(latb=latb, lonb=lonb) # hypothetical conversion depth tables if el > 0: htab = np.hstack( # spherical (np.arange(-round(el/1000, 1), 0, .1), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) else: htab = np.arange(-round(el/1000), maxz+res, res) htab_f = -R_EARTH*np.log((R_EARTH-htab)/R_EARTH) # flat earth depth if test: # then cartesian htab_f = htab res_f = np.diff(htab_f) # earth flattened resolution # travel times for alpha (P) and beta (S) dt_a = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) dt_b = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) # angular distances of piercing points delta = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) # vertical slownesses q_a = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) q_b = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) vpf, vsf = model.query(lat, lon, 0) q_a[0] = np.sqrt(vpf**-2 - p**2) q_b[0] = np.sqrt(vsf**-2 - p**2) # Numerical integration for kk, _ in enumerate(htab_f[1:]): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch Zerodivision warnings warnings.filterwarnings('error') try: delta[kk+1] = ppoint( q_a[kk], q_b[kk], res_f[kk], p, phase) + delta[kk] except Warning: delta = delta[:kk+1] break az = baz coords = Geodesic.WGS84.ArcDirect(lat, lon, az, delta[kk+1]) lat2, lon2 = coords['lat2'], coords['lon2'] # Query depth qd = htab[kk] if qd < 0: # For elevation, model is not defined for el qd = 0 vpf, vsf = model.query(lat2, lon2, qd) # Ignore invalid square root warning warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) q_a[kk+1] = np.sqrt(vpf**-2 - p**2) q_b[kk+1] = np.sqrt(vsf**-2 - p**2) if np.isnan(q_a[kk+1]) or np.isnan(q_b[kk+1]) or\ q_a[kk+1] == 0 or q_b[kk+1] == 0: # Supercritical, can really only happen for q_a delta = delta[:kk+1] break # travel time for P and S, respectively through dz dt_a[kk+1] = q_a[kk]*res_f[kk] dt_b[kk+1] = q_b[kk]*res_f[kk] dt_a = np.cumsum(dt_a)[:len(delta)] dt_b = np.cumsum(dt_b)[:len(delta)] dt = dt_b - dt_a # Delay primary conversion # Find travel times for multiples # We will have to assume that the multiples don't cross into a different # bin of the velocity model. Else the computation would be blown up crazily if multiple: # This assumes that the elevation is the same as at the station # location possible weakspot! Maybe I should do a lookup? # mphase 1 is PPs for P # mphase 2 is PSs dt_mphase1 = dt_b + dt_a dt_mphase2 = 2*dt_b # Truncate The travel time table for multiples try: dt_mphase1 = dt_mphase1[:np.where(dt_mphase1 >= 100)[0][0]] except IndexError: pass try: dt_mphase2 = dt_mphase2[:np.where(dt_mphase2 >= 100)[0][0]] except IndexError: pass else: dt_mphase1 = None dt_mphase2 = None return htab[:len(delta)], dt, delta, dt_mphase1, dt_mphase2
[docs]def dt_table( rayp: float, fname: str, phase: str, el: float, multiple: bool, debug: bool = False): """ Creates a phase delay table and calculates piercing points for a specific ray parameter, using the equation as in Rondenay 2009. For SRF: The length of the output vectors is determined by the depth, at which Sp conversion is supercritical (vertical slowness = complex). Parameters ---------- rayp : float ray-parameter given in s/deg. fname : string 1D velocity model, located in data/vmodels. phase : string Either "S" for Sp or "P" for Ps. el : float station elevation in m. multiple : bool Compute conversion time for PPS and PSS. debug : bool, optional If True, A Cartesioan rather than a spherical Earth is assumed. By default False. Returns ------- htab: np.array Vector containing conversion depths. dt: np.array Vector containing delay times between primary arrival and converted wave. delta: np.array Vector containing angular distance of piercing point from the station at depth z. """ p = rayp/DEG2KM # convert to s/km for flattened model model = load_model(fname) z = model.z if fname == 'raysum.dat' or debug: # already Cartesian vp = model.vp vs = model.vs zf = model.z else: # Spherical vp = model.vpf vs = model.vsf zf = model.zf z = np.append(z, maxz) # hypothetical conversion depth tables if el > 0: htab = np.hstack( # spherical (np.arange(-round(el/1000, 1), 0, .1), np.arange(0, maxz+res, res))) else: htab = np.arange(-round(el/1000), maxz+res, res) htab_f = -R_EARTH*np.log((R_EARTH-htab)/R_EARTH) # flat earth depth res_f = np.diff(htab_f) # earth flattened resolution if fname == "raysum.dat" or debug: htab_f = htab res_f = np.diff(htab) # delay times dt_a = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) dt_b = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) # angular distances of piercing points delta = np.zeros(np.shape(htab)) # vertical slownesses q_a = np.sqrt(vp**-2 - p**2) q_b = np.sqrt(vs**-2 - p**2) # Numerical integration for kk, h in enumerate(htab_f[1:]): ii = np.where(zf >= h)[0][0] - 1 if ii == -1: ii = 0 # dt[kk+1] = (q_b[ii]-q_a[ii])*res_f[kk] dt_a[kk+1] = q_a[ii]*res_f[kk] dt_b[kk+1] = q_b[ii]*res_f[kk] delta[kk+1] = ppoint(q_a[ii], q_b[ii], res_f[kk], p, phase) dt_a = np.cumsum(dt_a) dt_b = np.cumsum(dt_b) dt = dt_b-dt_a # Travel time difference primary and converted phase delta = np.cumsum(delta) # Determine if Sp is supercritical try: index = np.nonzero(np.isnan(dt))[0][0] except IndexError: index = len(dt) # Find travel times for multiples # In the 1D vel model ppoint don't play any role for multiples if multiple: # This assumes that the elevation is the same as at the station # location possible weakspot! Maybe I should do a lookup? # mphase 1 is PPs for P # mphase 2 is PSs dt_mphase1 = dt_b + dt_a dt_mphase2 = 2*dt_b # Truncate The travel time table for multiples try: dt_mphase1 = dt_mphase1[:np.where(dt_mphase1 >= 100)[0][0]] except IndexError: pass try: dt_mphase2 = dt_mphase2[:np.where(dt_mphase2 >= 100)[0][0]] except IndexError: pass else: dt_mphase1 = None dt_mphase2 = None return htab[:index], dt[:index], delta[:index], dt_mphase1, dt_mphase2
[docs]def ppoint(q_a: float, q_b: float, dz: float, p: float, phase: str): """ Calculate spherical distance between piercing point and station. INPUT has to be in Cartesian/ flat Earth: Parameters ---------- q_a : float Vertical P-wave slowness in s/km. q_b : float Vertical S-wave slowness in s/km. dz : float Vertical distance between two consecutive piercing points [km]. p : float Horizontal slowness in s/km. phase : string Either "S" or "P". Returns ------- x_delta : float Euclidean distance between station and piercing point. """ # Check phase, Sp travels as p, Ps as S from piercing point if phase == "S": x = dz / q_a * p elif phase == "P": x = dz / q_b * p x_delta = x / DEG2KM # distance in degree return x_delta
[docs]def earth_flattening( maxz: int, z: np.ndarray, dz: np.ndarray, vp: np.ndarray, vs: np.ndarray): """ Creates a flat-earth approximated velocity model down to maxz as in Peter M. Shearer Parameters ---------- maxz : int Maximal interpolation depth [km]. Given at beginning of file. z : np.array Depth vector [km]. dz : np.array Layer thicknesses in km. vp : np.array P wave velocities [km/s]. vs : np.array S wave velocities [km/s]. Returns ------- z : np.array Same as input, but shortened to maxz. dz : np.array Same as input, but shortened to maxz. zf : np.array Depths in a Cartesian coordinate system. dzf : np.array Layer thicknesse in a Cartesian coordinate system. vpf : np.array P wave velocities in a Cartesian coordinate system. vsf : np.array S wave velocities in a Cartesian coordinate system. """ a = R_EARTH # Earth's radius ii = np.where(z > maxz)[0][0]+1 r = a - z[:ii] vpf = (a/r) * vp[:ii] vsf = (a/r) * vs[:ii] zf = -a * np.log(r/a) z = z[:ii] dz = dz[:ii] dzf = np.diff(zf) return z, dz, zf, dzf, vpf, vsf
""" All objects and functions below are modified versions as in Tom Eulenfeld's rf project or contain substantial parts from this code. License below. The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """
[docs]def load_model(fname='iasp91.dat'): """ Load 1D velocity model from file. The model file should have 4 columns with depth, vp, vs, n. The model file for iasp91 starts like this:: #IASP91 velocity model #depth vp vs n 0.00 5.800 3.360 0 0.00 5.800 3.360 0 10.00 5.800 3.360 4 Parameters ---------- fname : string, optional filename of model in data or 'iasp91'. The default is 'iasp91.dat'. Returns ------- SimpleModel Returns SimpleModel instance. """ try: return _MODEL_CACHE[fname] except KeyError: pass filepath = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models', fname) values = np.loadtxt(filepath, unpack=True) try: z, vp, vs, n = values n = n.astype(int) except ValueError: n = None z, vp, vs = values _MODEL_CACHE[fname] = model = SimpleModel(z, vp, vs, n) return model
def _interpolate_n(val, n): vals = [np.linspace(val[i], val[i + 1], n[i + 1] + 1, endpoint=False) for i in range(len(val) - 1)] return np.hstack(vals + [np.array([val[-1]])])
[docs]class SimpleModel(object): """ Simple 1D velocity model for move out and piercing point calculation. Calculated with Earth flattening algorithm as described by P. M. Shearer. :param z: depths in km :param vp: P wave velocities at provided depths in km/s :param vs: S wave velocities at provided depths in km/s :param n: number of support points between provided depths All arguments can be of type numpy.ndarray or list. taken from the RF module based on obspy by Tom Eulenfeld """ def __init__(self, z, vp, vs, n=None): assert len(z) == len(vp) == len(vs) if n is not None: z = _interpolate_n(z, n) vp = _interpolate_n(vp, n) vs = _interpolate_n(vs, n) dz = np.diff(z) self.z,, self.zf, self.dzf, self.vpf, self.vsf = \ earth_flattening(maxz, z[:-1], dz, vp[:-1], vs[:-1]) self.vp = vp[:len(self.z)] self.vs = vs[:len(self.z)] self.t_ref = {}