Source code for pyglimer.utils.createvmodel

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create a 3D velocity model using Litho1.0

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Peter Makus (

Created: Friday, 01st May 2020 12:11:03
Last Modified: Thursday, 21st October 2021 03:48:11 pm

import subprocess
import pickle
import os
import fnmatch
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import plotly.graph_objs as go

from import finddir
from pyglimer.constants import R_EARTH, maxz, res, DEG2KM
from pyglimer.utils.geo_utils import geo2cart

# location of lith1 file
lith1 = os.path.join('/home', 'pm', 'LITHO1.0', 'bin', 'access_litho')

#  Location of the GyPSuM textfiles
gyps = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models', 'GyPSuM')


class ComplexModel(object):
    def __init__(
        self, z: np.ndarray, vp: np.ndarray, vs: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray,
            lon: np.ndarray, flatten=True, zf: np.ndarray = None):
        Velocity model based on GyPSuM model. Compiled and loaded with function
        load_gyps(). The model will be compiled once into a relatively large
        pickle file. Afterwards, the file will be unpickled rather than
        recompiled. Self.vpf, self.vsf, and self.zf are contain values for
        an Earth-flattening approximation.

        z : 1D ndarray
            Contains depths in km.
        vp : 3D ndarray
            P-wave velocity grid with velocities in km/s. Spherical
        vs : 3D ndarray
            S-wave velocity grid with velocities in km/s. Spherical
        lat : 1D ndarray
            Latitude vector.
        lon : 1D ndarray
            Longitude vector.
        flatten : Bool - optional
            Apply Earth flattening. Should be False for submodels. In that
            case the values for vp and vs are already flattened.
        zf : 1d ndarray
            flattened depth vector. Only necessary if flatten=False.


        """ = lat
        self.lon = lon
        grid = np.meshgrid(, self.lon)
        self.coords = (grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel())
        del grid

        xs, ys, zs = geo2cart(R_EARTH, self.coords[0],

        self.tree = KDTree(list(zip(xs, ys, zs)))
        del xs, ys, zs

        self.z = z

        if flatten:
            self.vpf, self.vsf, self.zf = self.flatten(vp, vs)
            self.vpf = vp
            self.vsf = vs
            self.zf = zf

    def query(self, lat: float, lon: float, z: float):
        Query the 3D velocity model.

        lat : float/int
            Latitude in deg.
        lon : float/int
            Longitude in deg.
        z : float/int
            depth in km.

        vp : float
            P-wave velocity.
        vs : float
            S-wave velocity.

        xs, ys, zs = geo2cart(R_EARTH, lat, lon)
        d, i = self.tree.query([xs, ys, zs])

        if d > ([1][0]) * DEG2KM * 1.25:
            raise self.CoverageError(
                [""" The chosen velocity model does not cover the queried area.
                 You queried the following lat, lon:""", lat, lon])

        m = np.where( == self.coords[0][i])[0][0]
        n = np.where(self.lon == self.coords[1][i])[0][0]
        p = np.where(round(z) == self.z)[0][0]

        vp = self.vpf[m, n, p]
        vs = self.vsf[m, n, p]
        return vp, vs

    def write(self, filename='gypsum'):
        Save the model.

        filename : str, optional
            Filename. The default is 'avvmodel'.


        folder = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models')
        # Remove filetype identifier if provided
        x = filename.split('.')
        if len(x) > 1:
            if x[-1] == 'pkl':
                filename = ''.join(x[:-1])
        oloc = os.path.join(folder, filename)
        with open(oloc + ".pkl", 'wb') as output:
            pickle.dump(self, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    def flatten(self, vp: np.ndarray, vs: np.ndarray):
        Creates a flat-earth approximated velocity model down to maxz as in
        Peter M. Shearer

        vp : np.array (3D)
            P wave velocities [km/s].
        vs : np.array (3D)
            S wave velocities [km/s].

        zf : np.array
            Depths in a Cartesian coordinate system.
        vpf : np.array
            P wave velocities in a Cartesian coordinate system.
        vsf : np.array
            S wave velocities in a Cartesian coordinate system.

        r = R_EARTH  # Earth's radius
        vpf = np.multiply((r/(r-self.z)), vp)
        vsf = np.multiply((r/(r-self.z)), vs)
        zf = -r*np.log((r-self.z)/r)

        return vpf, vsf, zf

    def submodel(self, lat: tuple, lon: tuple):
        Creates a submodel from the current velocity model within the
        defined geographic boundaries. Can save a lot of RAM.

        lat : tuple
            Tuple in the form (minimum latitude, maximum latitude).
        lon : tuple
            Tuple in the form (minimum longitude, maximum longitude).
            Note that this can cause troubles if the defined area is
            between >-180 and <0 (which should usually not be the case).

        subm : ComplexModel
            ComplexModel daughter object.


        m0 = np.where( == np.floor(lat[0]))[0][0]
        m1 = np.where( == np.ceil(lat[1]))[0][0] + 1
        n0 = np.where(self.lon == np.floor(lon[0]))[0][0]
        n1 = np.where(self.lon == np.ceil(lon[1]))[0][0] + 1

        # Define new model
        subm = ComplexModel(
            self.z, self.vpf[m0:m1, n0:n1, :], self.vsf[m0:m1, n0:n1, :],
  [m0:m1], self.lon[n0:n1], flatten=False, zf=self.zf)

        return subm

    def plot(self):
        Plots the vp and vs model as html files. Looks nice, but is pretty
        costly, so expect some waiting time for bigger models.
        Note that vp and vs are flattened values.

        figvp : plotly.graphs_objs._figure.Figure
            Figure containg vp model.
        figvs : plotly.graphs_objs._figure.Figure
            Figure containing vs model.

        x, y, z = np.meshgrid(, self.lon, self.z)
        figvp = go.Figure(data=go.Volume(
            opacity=0.3,  # needs to be small to see through all surfaces
        # surface_count
        # needs to be a large number for good volume rendering

        figvs = go.Figure(data=go.Volume(
            opacity=0.3,  # needs to be small to see through all surfaces
        # needs to be a large number for good volume rendering
        return figvp, figvs

    # program-specific Exceptions
    class CoverageError(Exception):
        """Raised, when coordinates are requested that are not covered
        by the model."""
        # Constructor method

        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
        # __str__ display function

        def __str__(self):
            return repr(self.value)

class AverageVelModel(object):
    def __init__(self, lat, lon, avpP, avsP, avpS, avsS):
        Creates a model over the average P and S-wave velocities in the upper
        crust. These are used by the P-SV-SH rotation algorithm. Model data
        is extracted from the Litho1.0 model (location provided above).
        The package is distributed with a readily compiled model.

        Compiling takes up to one hour!


        # latitude and longitude vector
        self.latv = lat
        self.lonv = lon

        self.avpP = avpP
        self.avsP = avsP
        self.avpS = avpS
        self.avsS = avsS

    def query(self, lat: float, lon: float, phase: str) -> tuple:
        Query average P- and S-Wave velocity in the upper 15 km (phase=S) or
        6 km (phase=P)

        lat : float
            Latitude in decimal degree.
        lon : TYPE
            Longitude in decimal degree.
        phase : str
            Primary phase (has to be provided due to different frequency
            content and, thereby, difference in queried depths.)

        avp : float
            Average P-wave veocity in m/s.
        avs : float
            Average S-wave velocity in m/s.


        lat = round(lat)
        lon = round(lon)

        m = np.where(self.latv == lat)[0][0]
        n = np.where(self.lonv == lon)[0][0]

        if phase[-1] == 'P':
            avp = self.avpP[m, n]
            avs = self.avsP[m, n]
        elif phase[-1] == 'S':
            avp = self.avpS[m, n]
            avs = self.avsS[m, n]
            raise ValueError('Phase '+phase+' is not known.')

        return avp, avs

    def write(self, filename='avvmodel'):
        Save the model.

        filename : str, optional
            Filename. The default is 'avvmodel'.


        folder = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models')
        # Remove filetype identifier if provided
        x = filename.split('.')
        if len(x) > 1:
            filename = filename + '.' - x[-1]
        oloc = os.path.join(folder, filename)
        os.makedirs(oloc, exist_ok=True)

        np.savez(oloc, **self.__dict__)

[docs]def load_avvmodel() -> AverageVelModel: """ Creates a model over the average P and S-wave velocities in the upper crust. These are used by the P-SV-SH rotation algorithm. Model data is extracted from the Litho1.0 model (location provided above). The package is distributed with a readily compiled model. Litho1.0 must be installed and location must be set correct for a complete compilation! However, function will first look in RAM and then in data for a pickle file. Compiling takes up to one hour! Returns ------- Model containing average velocities for upper crust. """ try: return _MODEL_CACHE['avv'] except KeyError: pass try: filepath = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models', 'avvmodel.npz') # with open(filepath, 'rb') as infile: # _MODEL_CACHE['avv'] = model = pickle.load(infile) # return model avvd = dict(np.load(filepath)) avvd['lat'] = avvd.pop('latv') avvd['lon'] = avvd.pop('lonv') _MODEL_CACHE['avv'] = model = AverageVelModel(**avvd) return model except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( 'Could not find file for average velocity model...\n\ Will attempt to compile a new model. This will require litho1.0 to be\ installed on the systeam and might take a long time...') pass # latitude and longitude vector latv = np.arange(-90, 91) lonv = np.arange(-180, 181) # Create grid, spacing .5 deg, 1km # Grid of average P and S-wave velocities, used for P-SV-SH rotation avpS, avsS = np.mgrid[-90:91, -180:181] avpP, avsP = np.mgrid[-90:91, -180:181] # populate velocity grid for m, lat in enumerate(latv): for n, lon in enumerate(lonv): # Call Litho1.0 try: x = subprocess.Popen( [lith1, "-p", str(lat), str(lon)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ls = str("\\n") # save the output # Close file or it will remain open forever! x.stdout.close() for ii, item in enumerate(ls): ls[ii] = item.split() # clean list del ls[-1] del ls[0][0] except IndexError: # There are some points, on which the model is not defined lat = lat + .1 x = subprocess.Popen( [lith1, "-p", str(lat), str(lon)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ls = str("\\n") # save the output # Close file or it will remain open forever! x.stdout.close() for ii, item in enumerate(ls): ls[ii] = item.split() # clean list del ls[-1] del ls[0][0] pass # reorder items depth = [] vp = [] vs = [] name = [] for item in ls: depth.append(float(item[0])) # in m vp.append(float(item[2])) # m/s vs.append(float(item[3])) # m/ name.append(item[-1]) # name of the boundary # Interpolate and populate vp = np.interp( np.arange(min(depth), 15.5e3 + min(depth), .5e3), np.flip(depth), np.flip(vp)) vs = np.interp( np.arange(min(depth), 15.5e3 + min(depth), .5e3), np.flip(depth), np.flip(vs)) # build weighted average for upper ~15km (S-phases) # and the upper 6 km (P phases) avpS[m, n] = np.average(vp) avsS[m, n] = np.average(vs) # For P-wave as primary phase (higher frequencies and shorter # wavelength) avpP[m, n] = np.average(vp[:-18]) avsP[m, n] = np.average(vs[:-18]) _MODEL_CACHE['avv'] = model = AverageVelModel( latv, lonv, avpP, avsP, avpS, avsS) # Dump pickle file model.write() return model
[docs]def load_gyps( save=False, latb: tuple = None, lonb: tuple = None, flatten=True) -> ComplexModel: """ Compiles the GyPSuM 3D-velocity object from included GyPSuM text files Parameters ---------- save : Bool, optional Pickle the 3D velocity model after compiling it for the first time. This will allow for faster access to the model. Saving the model takes about 800 MB disk space. The default is False, as it lead to unstabilities with joblib. latb : Tuple, optional Creates a submodel from the full model. In form (minlat, maxlat). lonb : Tuple, optional (minlon, maxlon) Returns ------- ComplexModel object Object that can be queried for velocities. """ if latb and not lonb or lonb and not latb: raise ValueError( """"Provide either no geographic boundaries or both latitude and longitude boundaries.""") if latb: # Changes the boundaries to ints (mainly for filenames) latb = (int(np.floor(latb[0])), int(np.ceil(latb[1]))) lonb = (int(np.floor(lonb[0])), int(np.ceil(lonb[1]))) try: return _MODEL_CACHE['gyps' + str(latb) + str(lonb)] except KeyError: pass try: with open( os.path.join( 'tmp', str(latb)+str(lonb)+'.pkl', 'rb')) as infile: model = pickle.load(infile) _MODEL_CACHE['gyps' + str(latb) + str(lonb)] = model return model except FileNotFoundError: pass try: model = _MODEL_CACHE['gyps'] if latb: _MODEL_CACHE['gyps' + str(latb) + str(lonb)] = model \ = model.submodel(latb, lonb) if save: model.write(filename=str(latb)+str(lonb), folder='tmp') return model except KeyError: pass try: filepath = os.path.join(finddir(), 'velocity_models', 'gypsum.pkl') with open(filepath, 'rb') as infile: model = pickle.load(infile) if not latb: _MODEL_CACHE['gyps'] = model else: _MODEL_CACHE['gyps' + str(latb) + str(lonb)] = model = \ model.submodel(latb, lonb) if save: model.write(filename=str(latb)+str(lonb), folder='tmp') return model except FileNotFoundError: pass # Create initial, full model # Create the velocity deviation grids vpd, vsd, _ = np.mgrid[-90:91, -180:181, 0:9] vpd = vpd.astype(float) vsd = vsd.astype(float) # Load background model rp, vpb = zip(*np.loadtxt(os.path.join(gyps, 'StartingVpModel.txt'))) rs, vsb = zip(*np.loadtxt(os.path.join(gyps, 'StartingVsModel.txt'))) zbp = R_EARTH - np.array(rp, dtype=float) # background model depth vector zbs = R_EARTH - np.array(rs, dtype=float) # background model depth vecto vpb = np.array(vpb) vsb = np.array(vsb) del rp, rs # Load deviations dirlist = os.listdir(gyps) # vp deviations # Deviations are in per cent so divide by 100 pdevs = fnmatch.filter(dirlist, 'P.*') pdevs.sort() sdevs = fnmatch.filter(dirlist, 'S.*') sdevs.sort() for i, p in enumerate(pdevs): vpd[:, :, i] = np.reshape( np.loadtxt(os.path.join(gyps, p)), vpd[:, :, 0].shape) / 100 # vs deviations for i, s in enumerate(sdevs): vsd[:, :, i] = np.reshape( np.loadtxt(os.path.join(gyps, s)), vpd[:, :, i].shape) / 100 # Deviation depth vector, contains the upper depth in km zd = np.hstack((0, np.arange(100, 475, 75), 525, 650, 750)) # Interpolation depth zq = np.arange(0, maxz+res, res) # Interpolate background velocity model vp_bg = np.interp(zq, zbp, vpb) vs_bg = np.interp(zq, zbs, vsb) del vpb, vsb, zbp, zbs # Interpolate velocity disturbances # The disturbances are defined as blocks # So only nearest neighbour interpolations! intf = interp1d(zd, vpd, axis=2, kind='previous') dvp = intf(zq) intf = interp1d(zd, vsd, axis=2, kind='previous') dvs = intf(zq) vp = np.multiply(dvp, vp_bg) + vp_bg vs = np.multiply(dvs, vs_bg) + vs_bg del vpd, vsd, intf, dvp, dvs lat = np.arange(-90, 91, 1) lon = np.arange(-180, 181, 1) # Create a velocity model with 1deg spacing model = ComplexModel(zq, vp, vs, lat, lon, flatten=flatten) # Pickle model if save: model.write() if not latb: _MODEL_CACHE['gyps'] = model else: _MODEL_CACHE['gyps' + str(latb) + str(lonb)] = model = \ model.submodel(latb, lonb) if save: model.write(filename=str(latb)+str(lonb), folder='tmp') return model