Geographical utilities.
The PyGLImER development team (makus@gfz-potsdam.de).
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Lucas Sawade (lsawade@princeton.edu)
Last Update: November 2019
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from cartopy.geodesic import Geodesic
from ..constants import R_EARTH
[docs]def reckon(
lat: float, lon: float, distance: float, bearing: float) -> Tuple[
float, float]:
""" Computes new latitude and longitude from bearing and distance.
lat: in degrees
lon: in degrees
bearing: in degrees
distance: in degrees
lat, lon
lat1 = math.radians(52.20472) # Current lat point converted to radians
lon1 = math.radians(0.14056) # Current long point converted to radians
bearing = np.pi/2 # 90 degrees
# lat2 52.20444 - the lat result I'm hoping for
# lon2 0.36056 - the long result I'm hoping for.
# Convert degrees to radians for numpy
lat1 = lat/180*np.pi
lon1 = lon/180 * np.pi
brng = bearing/180*np.pi
d = distance/180*np.pi
# Compute latitude
lat2 = np.arcsin(np.sin(lat1) * np.cos(d)
+ np.cos(lat1) * np.sin(d) * np.cos(brng))
# Compute longitude
lon2 = lon1 + np.arctan2(np.sin(brng) * np.sin(d) * np.cos(lat1),
np.cos(d) - np.sin(lat1) * np.sin(lat2))
# Convert back
lat2 = lat2/np.pi*180
lon2 = lon2/np.pi*180
return lat2, lon2
[docs]def geodiff(lat, lon):
"""Computes Azimuths and distances between geographical points."""
# Create Geodesic class
G = Geodesic(flattening=0.0)
mat = np.asarray(
np.array((lon[0:-1], lat[0:-1])).T,
np.array((lon[1:], lat[1:])).T
dists = mat[:, 0] / R_EARTH / 1000.0 / np.pi * 180
az = mat[:, 1]
return dists, az
[docs]def geodist(lat, lon):
"""Computes Azimuths and distances between geographical points."""
# Compute distances
dists, _ = geodiff(lat, lon)
M = len(lat)
cdists = np.zeros(M)
cdists[1:] = np.cumsum(dists)
return cdists
[docs]def gctrack(
lat, lon, dist: float = 1.0, constantdist: bool = True) -> Tuple[
np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Given waypoints and a point distance, this function computes evenly
spaced points along the great circle and the given waypoints.
.. warning:: This function is not very accurate, but it is fast. You may
want to resort to more accurate functions if that is of
importance for your work. Here this function is only used for
the purpose of making cross sections.
.. warning::
**``constantdist``** The reason for this option is the fact that two
waypoints are most likely not a multiple of ``dist`` apart from each
other. A previous implementation included an interpolation between, but
the interpolation of a parametric curve in 3D space is not as simple as
I had hoped. The following explanation is for ``N`` segments defined by
``N+1`` waypoints.
``constantdist`` sets the spacing constant, but the waypoint is most
likely not exactly hit making the distance between the point before
the (n+1)-th waypoint smaller than the the rest. This will be the
same in all segments between n and (n+1)th waypoints. The alternative
is to create linspace between the waypoints with
``N = round(total_dist/dist) + 1`` points including ``n`` and
``(n+1)`` waypoints. This is essentially the more accurate way of
defining the segments, but each segment has a different spacing that
is not exactly ``dist``.
lat : np.ndarray
waypoint latitudes
lon : np.ndarray
waypoint longitudes
dist : float
distance in degrees
constantdist: bool
Not really important for the enduser, but there are two ways of
computing a gctrack along a curve. for 2 points only the most accurate
way is to set ``constant_dist`` to ``False``.
tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)
Lucas Sawade (lsawade@princeton.edu)
:Last Modified:
2021.10.10 02.17
# First get distances between points
N = len(lon)
# dists = np.zeros(N-1)
# az = np.zeros(N-1)
# Create Geodesic class
# G = Geodesic(flattening=0.0)
# Get tracks between segments that are far apart
dists, az = geodiff(lat, lon)
if np.any(dists/100 < dist):
raise ValueError(
"Final deltadeg between points in tracks should be at least "
"100 times less smallest distance between waypoints.")
if not constantdist:
updated_dist = []
# Cumulative station distances
sdists = np.zeros(N)
sdists[1:] = np.cumsum(dists)
tracks = []
for _i in range(N-1):
# Choice of created equally space vector a long the track
if constantdist:
# New dist vector
trackdists = np.arange(0, dists[_i], dist)
# Get the length of the linspace
N = int(np.round((dists[_i])/dist))
# Get the closest distance measure
updist = dists[_i]/N
# Attached to list.
trackdists = np.linspace(0, dists[_i] - updist, N)
track = np.array(reckon(lat[_i], lon[_i], trackdists, az[_i]))
# Remove geolocations that overshot
tmpdist = geodist(track[0, :], track[1, :])
track = track[:, np.where(tmpdist < dists[_i])[0]]
# Add last point because usually not added
tracks.append(np.array(((lat[-1], lon[-1]),)).T)
# Get tracks
utrack = np.hstack(tracks).T
# Remove duplicates if there are any
_, idx = np.unique(utrack, return_index=True, axis=0)
utrack = utrack[np.sort(idx), :]
# Get distances along the new track
udists, _ = geodiff(utrack[:, 0], utrack[:, 1])
# Compute cumulative distance
M = len(utrack[:, 0])
cdists = np.zeros(M)
cdists[1:] = np.cumsum(udists)
if constantdist:
return utrack[:, 0], utrack[:, 1], cdists, sdists
return utrack[:, 0], utrack[:, 1], cdists, updated_dist
[docs]def geo2cart(
r: float or np.ndarray, latitude: np.ndarray,
longitude: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Computes cartesian coordinates from geographical coordinates
r (float or `numpy.array` corresponding to lat/lon arrays): Radius of the
latitude (`numpy.array`): Latitude
longitude (`numpy.array`): Longitude
xyz coordinates coordinates of same size as latitude and longitude arrays
# Convert to radians
latrad = latitude / 180*np.pi
lonrad = longitude / 180 * np.pi
# Convert to geolocations
x = r * np.cos(latrad) * np.cos(lonrad)
y = r * np.cos(latrad) * np.sin(lonrad)
z = r * np.sin(latrad)
return x, y, z
[docs]def cart2geo(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[
np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Computes geographical coordinates from cartesian coordinates
x (`numpy.array` corresponding to y/z arrays): x coordinate
y (`numpy.array`): y coordinate
z (`numpy.array`): z coordinate
r, latitude, longitude tuple
# Compute r
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
# Compute theta using r
latitude = 180/np.pi * np.arctan2(z, np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
# Compute phi using atan
longitude = np.arctan2(y, x) * 180/np.pi
return r, latitude, longitude
[docs]def epi2euc(epi: float) -> float:
"""Converts epicentral distance in to a euclidean distance along the
corresponding chord."""
return 2 * R_EARTH * np.sin(np.pi * epi / 360)
[docs]def euc2epi(euc: float) -> float:
"""Converts euclidean distance to epicentral distance"""
return 360 * np.arcsin(euc/(2*R_EARTH)) / np.pi
def fix_map_extent(extent: float, fraction=0.05):
# Get extent values and fix them
minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat = extent
latb = (maxlat - minlat) * fraction
lonb = (maxlon - minlon) * fraction
# Max lat
if maxlat + latb > 90.0:
maxlat = 90.0
maxlat = maxlat + latb
# Min lat
if minlat - latb < -90.0:
minlat = -90.0
minlat = minlat - latb
# Max lon
if maxlon + lonb > 180.0:
maxlon = 180.0
maxlon = maxlon + lonb
# Minlon
if minlon - lonb < -180.0:
minlon = -180.0
minlon = minlon - lonb
return [minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat]