Source code for pyglimer.utils.signalproc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Peter Makus (

Created: Sunday, 20th October 2019 10:31:03 am
Last Modified: Wednesday, 13th April 2022 02:55:06 pm
import warnings

import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, Trace

[docs]def resample_or_decimate( data: Stream, sampling_rate_new: int, filter=True) -> Stream: """ Decimates the data if the desired new sampling rate allows to do so. Else the signal will be interpolated (a lot slower). :note: The stream has to be filtered a priori to avoid aliasing. :param data: Stream to be resampled. :type data: Stream :param sampling_rate_new: The desired new sampling rate :type sampling_rate_new: int :return: The resampled stream :rtype: Stream """ if isinstance(data, Stream): sr = data[0].stats.sampling_rate srl = [tr.stats.sampling_rate for tr in data] if len(set(srl)) != 1: # differing sampling rates in stream for tr in data: try: tr = resample_or_decimate(tr, sampling_rate_new, filter) except ValueError: warnings.warn( f'Trace {tr} not downsampled. Sampling rate is lower' + ' than requested sampling rate.') return data elif isinstance(data, Trace): sr = data.stats.sampling_rate else: raise TypeError('Data has to be an obspy Stream or Trace.') srn = sampling_rate_new if srn > sr: raise ValueError('New sampling rate greater than old. This function \ is only intended for downsampling.') elif srn == sr: return data # Chosen this filter design as it's exactly the same as # obspy.Stream.decimate uses # Just for RFs to avoid instabilities if filter and srn == 10: data.filter('lowpass_cheby_2', freq=4, maxorder=12) elif filter: freq = sr * 0.5 / float(sr/srn) data.filter('lowpass_cheby_2', freq=freq, maxorder=12) if sr/srn == sr//srn: return data.decimate(int(sr//srn), no_filter=True) else: return data.resample(srn, window='hann')
[docs]def convf(u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, nf: int, dt: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Convolution conducted in the frequency domain. Parameters ---------- u : np.array Array 1. v : np.array Array 2. nf : INTEGER Array length in frequency domain (use next power of 2). dt : FLOAT Sampling Interval [s]. Returns ------- c : np.array Convolution of u with v. """ if not len(u) or not len(v): raise ValueError('The input arrays have to have a length!') U = np.fft.fft(u, n=nf) V = np.fft.fft(v, n=nf) C = U*V*dt c = np.real(np.fft.ifft(C, n=nf)) return c
[docs]def corrf(u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, nf: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Cross-correlation in frequency domain, calculates the x=crosscorr(u,v). Hence, v is the flipped vector. Parameters ---------- u : np.array flipped vector. v : np.array Vector that the correlation is measured to. nf : INTEGER Array length in frequency domain (use next power of 2). Returns ------- x : np.array Correlation vector. """ if not len(u) or not len(v): raise ValueError('The input arrays have to have a length!') V = np.conj(np.fft.fft(v, n=nf)) U = np.fft.fft(u, n=nf) X = U*V x = np.real(np.fft.ifft(X, n=nf)) return x
[docs]def gaussian(N: int, dt: float, width: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Create a zero-phase Gaussian function (i.e., a low-pass filter). In particular meant to be convolved with the impulse response that is the output of an iterative deconvolution Parameters ---------- N : INTEGER Length of the desired array. dt : FLOAT Sampling interval [s]. width : FLOAT Width parameter of the Gaussian function. Returns ------- G : np.array Gaussian window. """ if width <= 0: raise ValueError('Gaussian width parameter has to be greater than 0.') df = 1/(N*dt) # frequency step f = np.arange(0, round(0.5*N), 1, dtype=float)*df # frequency array w = 2*np.pi*f # angular frequency G = np.array([0]*N, dtype=float) G[0:round(N/2)] = np.exp(-w**2/(4*width**2))/dt G_lr = np.flip(G) G[round(N/2)+1:] = G_lr[-len(G[round(N/2)+1:]):] return G
[docs]def filter(s: np.ndarray, F: np.ndarray, dt: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Convolves a filter with a signal (given in time domain). Parameters ---------- s : np.array Signal given in time domain. F : np.array Filter's amplitude response (i.e., frequency domain). dt : FLOAT Sampling interval [s]. Returns ------- s_f : np.array Filtered signal. """ nf = len(F) S = np.fft.fft(s, n=nf) S_f = np.multiply(S, F)*dt s_f = np.real(np.fft.ifft(S_f, n=nf)) return s_f
[docs]def ricker(sigma: float, N2: int, dt: float) -> tuple: """ create a zero-phase Ricker / Mexican hat wavelet Parameters ---------- sigma : float standard deviation dt : float sampling Interval N2 : int number of samples/2 (halflength). Full length = 2*N2+1 """ rick_tt = np.arange(-N2, N2+1, 1, dtype=float)*dt # time vector rick = 2/(np.sqrt(3*sigma)*np.pi**(1/4))*(1-np.power(rick_tt, 2)/sigma**2)\ * np.exp(-rick_tt**2/(2*sigma**2)) return rick_tt, rick
[docs]def noise(N: int, A: float) -> np.ndarray: """ create random noise Parameters ---------- N: int signal length A: float maximal amplitude """ noise = np.random.rand(N)*A return noise
[docs]def sshift(s: np.ndarray, N2: int, dt: float, shift: float) -> np.ndarray: """ shift a signal by a given time-shift in the frequency domain Parameters ---------- s : Arraylike signal N2 : int length of the signal in f-domain (usually equals the next pof 2) dt : float sampling interval shift : float the time shift in seconds Returns ------- Timeshifted signal""" S = np.fft.fft(s, n=N2) # Omega phshift = np.exp(-1j*shift*np.fft.fftfreq(N2, dt)*2*np.pi) s_out = np.real(np.fft.ifft(phshift*S)) return s_out[:len(s)]