Source code for pyglimer.utils.utils


   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Lucas Sawade (
    Peter Makus (

Created: Tue May 26 2019 13:31:30
Last Modified: Monday, 26th September 2022 10:45:48 am

import logging
import os
from obspy.core.event.event import Event
import typing as tp
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from warnings import warn
import psutil
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client, header
from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import URL_MAPPINGS
from obspy.core.inventory.inventory import Inventory
from import Stream, Trace
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime

from pyglimer.database.raw import save_raw_DB_single_station, write_st
from pyglimer.rf.create import RFStream, RFTrace
# from pyglimer.database.asdf import save_raw_single_station_asdf

from .roundhalf import roundhalf

log_lvl = {
    'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
    'INFO': logging.INFO,
    'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
    'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
    'ERROR': logging.ERROR}

def utc_save_str(utc: UTCDateTime):
    return UTCDateTime(round(utc.timestamp)).format_fissures()[:-6]

[docs]def dt_string(dt: float) -> str: """Returns Time elapsed string depending on how much time has passed. After a certain amount of seconds it returns minutes, and after a certain amount of minutes it returns the elapsed time in hours.""" if dt > 500: dt = dt / 60 if dt > 120: dt = dt / 60 tstring = " Time elapsed: %3.1f h" % dt else: tstring = " Time elapsed: %3.1f min" % dt else: tstring = " Time elapsed: %3.1f s" % dt return tstring
[docs]def chunks(lst: list, n: int) -> list: """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst. Useful for multi-threading""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n]
[docs]def download_full_inventory(statloc: str, fdsn_client: list): """ This utility loops through statloc and redownloads the whole response (i.e., all channels and all times) for every station. Thus, overwriting the old xml file. :param statloc: Folder in which the old stationxmls are saved :type statloc: str :param fdsn_client: List of FDSN providers that should be queried. :type fdsn_client: list """ bulk = [] for fi in os.listdir(statloc): f = fi.split('.') if f[-1].lower() != 'xml': continue bulk.append((f[0], f[1], '*', '*', '*', '*')) fdsn_client = get_multiple_fdsn_clients(fdsn_client) _ = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, prefer='threads')( delayed(__client__loop__)(client, statloc, bulk) for client in fdsn_client)
def join_inv(invlist=List[Inventory]) -> Inventory: inv = invlist.pop(0) for ii in invlist: for net in ii: inv.extend([net]) return inv
[docs]def check_UTC_overlap( start: List[UTCDateTime], end: List[UTCDateTime]) -> List[bool]: """Checks a list of starttimes and endtimes for overlap Parameters ---------- start : List[UTCDateTime] List of UTCDatetime starttimes end : List[UTCDateTime] List of UTCDateTime endtimes Returns ------- List[bool] List of booleans. If True no overlap, if False overlap """ # Initiate list saying there is no overlap check = len(start)*[True] for _i, (_start, _end) in enumerate(zip(start, end)): # Loop over same array to check whether there is overlap in any of # the windows. for _j, (_startc, _endc) in enumerate(zip(start, end)): # Don't want to compute overlap of the same window if _j == _i: continue # Check whether start or endtime of another window is in the range if (_start < _startc and _startc < _end) \ or (_start < _endc and _endc < _end): check[_i] = False return check
def __client__loop__( client: str or Client, statloc: str, bulk: list) -> Inventory: """ Download station information from specified client and for the specified bulk list. :param client: FDSN client to use :type client: str or obspy.fdsn.clients.Client :param statloc: Location in which the station xmls are to be saved. :type statloc: str :param bulk: Bulk list to described the queried download. :type bulk: list :return: The inventory for all downloaded stations :rtype: obspy.Inventory """ logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') try: if not isinstance(client, Client): client = Client(client) stat_inv = client.get_stations_bulk( bulk, level='response') except ( header.FDSNNoDataException, header.FDSNException, ValueError, TypeError) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) logger.warning(f"--> {bulk}") return # wrong client # ValueError is raised for querying a client without station service for network in stat_inv: netcode = network.code for station in network: statcode = station.code logger.debug(f"{netcode}.{statcode}") out = os.path.join(statloc, '%s.%s.xml' % (netcode, statcode)), station=statcode).write( out, format="STATIONXML") return stat_inv
[docs]def chunkdict(d: dict, chunksize) -> list: """Chunks upd dictionary with values into list of dictionaries where each dictionary has chunksize or less entries. Parameters ---------- d : dict dictionary of lists chunksize : int number of elements per list in dictionary Returns ------- list returns a list of dictionaries subsets of lists in the original dictionary """ # tempd = dict() for k, v in d.items(): tempd[k] = list(chunks(v, chunksize)) key = list(d.keys())[0] Nchunk = len(tempd[key]) out = [] for i in range(Nchunk): subd = dict() for k, v in tempd.items(): subd[k] = v[i] out.append(subd) return out
[docs]def save_stream( st: Stream, rawloc: str, saveh5: bool, saved: dict, inv: Inventory, network: tp.Union[str, None] = None, station: tp.Union[str, None] = None): """Saves a stream to either mseed or HDF5 format depending on flag, and the event-channel dictionary ``saved`` which with created in a parent function. Parameters ---------- st : Stream stream to save rawloc : str path to database raw waveforms databases saveh5 : bool whether to save hdf5 or mseed saved : dict event-channel dictionary that contains the bulk requests made inv : Inventory inventory network : str | None, optional network string, by default None station : str | None, optional station string, by default None """ # Save stuff in hdf5 format (custom format that is provided by pyglimer) if saveh5: # Make sure HDF5 file is only opened once if (network is not None) and (station is not None): save_raw_DB_single_station( network, station, saved, st, rawloc, inv) # Opens and closes HDF5 file for all traces belonging to one station. # It's more versatile, but less efficient else: save_raw(saved, st, rawloc, inv, True) # Save minised else: save_raw(saved, st, rawloc, inv, False)
def __download_sub__(client: str, saved: dict) -> Stream: """Takes in bulk requests, downloads them, and and returns stream of traces, empty stream or raises an error. Parameters ---------- client : str Name of the client that data is requested from saved : dict dictionary with event-channel data and bulk requests Returns ------- Stream empty or full Raises ------ ValueError if request is faulty or another error was thrown """ logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') # Get bulk and flatten bulk = [] # Get full bulk list for _b in saved['bulk']: bulk.extend(_b) # ## The Block here is to debug the actual request made ##### # But for code and output purposes it is unecessary to log. # I would just keep it for future debugging # for _net, _sta, _cha, _st, _et, _event, _b in zip( # saved['net'], saved['stat'], saved['chan'], # saved['startt'], saved['endt'], saved['event'], saved['bulk']): # # Get event id # origin = (_event.preferred_origin() or[0]) # e_id = utc_save_str(origin.time) # # Print relevant debugging information # print(f"{_net}.{_sta}..{_cha}: {_st} -- {_et} --> {e_id}") # for __b in _b: # print(f"^-->{__b}") # ############################################################# # Sort bulk request. bulk.sort() try: if not isinstance(client, Client): client = Client(client) st = client.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk) f'Downloaded {st.count()} traces from Client {str(client)}.') return st except (header.FDSNNoDataException, header.FDSNException, ValueError) as e: if 'HTTP Status code: 204' in str(e): logger.debug('--------- NO DATA FOR REQUESTS: ----------------') for __bulk in bulk: logger.debug(f"|| {__bulk}") logger.debug('------------------------------------------------') return Stream() elif isinstance(e, ValueError): print(str(e)) else: print(str(e)) raise ValueError('See Error above.') # ValueError is raised for querying a client without # station service def __client__loop_wav__( client: str, rawloc: str, saved: dict, saveh5: bool, inv: Inventory, network: Optional[str] = None, station: Optional[str] = None, parallel: bool = False): """ Loops over event-channel requests and launches parallel or single threaded downloads depending on the input parameter ``parallel``. The Single threaded type is used if station downloads are parallelized (a parent function) and parallel is used when a single station is downloaded and events can be parallelized. Parameters ---------- client : str client to download from, e.g. "IRIS". rawloc : str database location for the raw data saved : dict dict containing channel-event info and bulk requests saveh5 : bool whether to save in HDF5 or not inv : Inventory inventory of the stations network : Optional[str], optional network string, by default None station : Optional[str], optional station string, by default None parallel : bool, optional whether to download requests in parallel or not, by default False """ logger = logging.getLogger('pyglimer.request') # Making sure that all chunk sizes are the same # This has become the equivalent of number of traces, unless there are # multiple locations available. chunksize = 5000 # Get one key to get length of lists in dictionaries. key = list(saved.keys())[0] N0 = len(saved[key]) # Chunkify data and bulkstrings if N0 > chunksize: saved = chunkdict(saved, chunksize) # Request too small to parallelize else: # Create single chunk saved = [saved, ] # Set parallel to false because it is unnecessary parallel = False # Number of Total chunks to be downloaded N = len(saved) logger.debug("Downloading ...") # Get number of cores available if parallel: # Get number of available CPUs NCPU = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) - 2 # Turn off parallelism if c=number of available cores is 1 if NCPU <= 1: parallel = False # Limit CPUs to four so that the FDSN server is not overwhelmed elif NCPU > 4: NCPU = 4 # Splitting the total number of chunks of NCPU, so that NCPU chunks # are downloaded simulatenously saved = list(chunks(saved, NCPU)) counter = 0 logger.debug( f" Downloading {N} chunks with each chunk " f"<= 100 requests dowloaded in Parallel") with Parallel(n_jobs=NCPU, backend='multiprocessing') as PARALLEL: # Loop of chunk subsets for _i, _saved in enumerate(saved): counter += len(_saved) logger.debug(f" Downloading {counter}/{N} chunks") # Download streams in parallel streams = PARALLEL( delayed(__download_sub__)(client, __saved) for __saved in _saved) # Save streams one by one for st, __saved in zip(streams, _saved): # If stream is empty skip if len(st) == 0: continue # Save stream to mseed ot h5 save_stream( st, rawloc, saveh5, __saved, inv, network, station) # Get stuff single threadedly else: streams = [] for i, _saved in enumerate(saved): logger.debug(f" --> Bulk chunk {i}/{N}") st = __download_sub__(client, _saved) if st is None or len(st) == 0: continue # Save stream to mseed ot h5 save_stream(st, rawloc, saveh5, _saved, inv, network, station)
[docs]def save_raw( saved: dict, st: Stream, rawloc: str, inv: Inventory, saveh5: bool): """ Save the raw waveform data in the desired format. The point of this function is mainly that the waveforms will be saved with the correct associations and at the correct locations. :param saved: Dictionary holding information about the original streams to identify them afterwards. :type saved: dict :param st: obspy stream holding all data (from various stations) :type st: Stream :param rawloc: Parental directory (with phase) to save the files in. :type rawloc: str :param inv: The inventory holding all the station information :type inv: Inventory :param saveasdf: If True the data will be saved in asdf format. :type saveasdf: bool """ # Just use the same name for evt, startt, endt, net, stat in zip( saved['event'], saved['startt'], saved['endt'], saved['net'], saved['stat']): # earlier we downloaded all locations, but we don't really want # to have several, so let's just keep one try: sst =, station=stat) # This might actually be empty if so, let's just skip if sst.count() == 0: logging.debug(f'No trace of {net}.{stat} in Stream.') continue slst = sst.slice(startt, endt) # Only write the prevelant location locs = [tr.stats.location for tr in sst] filtloc = max(set(locs), key=locs.count) sslst = if saveh5: sinv =, stat, starttime=startt, endtime=endt) write_st(sslst, evt, rawloc, sinv) else: save_raw_mseed(evt, sslst, rawloc, net, stat) except Exception as e: logging.error(e)
[docs]def save_raw_mseed(evt: Event, slst: Stream, rawloc: str, net: str, stat: str): """ Saves input stream in the correct location in mini seed format. :param evt: event that is associated to the recording. :type evt: Event :param slst: The selected stream. Should contain all components of one recording of a teleseismic event. :type slst: Stream :param rawloc: Location (with phase) to save the miniseed files in (will also create subfolders). :type rawloc: str :param net: Network code :type net: str :param stat: Station Code :type stat: str """ o = (evt.preferred_origin() or[0]) ot_loc = UTCDateTime(o.time, precision=-1).format_fissures()[:-6] evtlat_loc = str(roundhalf(o.latitude)) evtlon_loc = str(roundhalf(o.longitude)) folder = os.path.join( rawloc, '%s_%s_%s' % (ot_loc, evtlat_loc, evtlon_loc)) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) fn = os.path.join(folder, '%s.%s.mseed' % (net, stat)) slst.write(fn, fmt='mseed')
[docs]def get_multiple_fdsn_clients( clients: List[str] or str or None) -> Tuple[Client]: """ Returns a tuple holding all the queried fdsn providers. Also finds all available fdsn providers if input is None. Will also sort the clients so the big providers (IRIS and ORFEUS) come last. Just a modified version of a code in the obspy mass downloader. :param clients: List of strings, each describing one client. Put None if you want to use all available. :type clients: List[str] or str or None :return: Tuple of the fdsn Client objects. :rtype: Tuple[Client] """ # That bit is stolen from the massdownloader if isinstance(clients, str): clients = [clients] # That bit is stolen from the massdownloader elif clients is None: providers = dict(URL_MAPPINGS.items()) _p = [] if "RASPISHAKE" in providers: # exclude RASPISHAKE by default del providers["RASPISHAKE"] if "IRIS" in providers: has_iris = True del providers["IRIS"] else: has_iris = False if "ODC" in providers: providers["ORFEUS"] = providers["ODC"] del providers["ODC"] if "ORFEUS" in providers: has_orfeus = True del providers["ORFEUS"] else: has_orfeus = False _p = sorted(providers) if has_orfeus: _p.append("ORFEUS") if has_iris: _p.append("IRIS") providers = _p clients = tuple(providers) return clients
[docs]def create_bulk_str( networks: tp.Union[str, List[str]], stations: tp.Union[str, List[str]], location: str, channel: tp.Union[str, List[str]], t0: UTCDateTime or str or List[UTCDateTime], t1: UTCDateTime or str or List[UTCDateTime]) -> List[tuple]: """ Function to generate the input for the obspy functions: get_stations_bulk() and get_waveforms_bulk(). :param networks: The requested networks, can be str or List. :type networks: str or List[str] :param stations: The requested stations, can be str or List. :type stations: str or List[str] :param location: Location string :type location: str :param channel: Channel string :type channel: str :param t0: starttimes :type t0: UTCDateTime or str or List[UTCDateTime] :param t1: endtimes :type t1: UTCDateTime or str or List[UTCDateTime] :raises ValueError: For invalid input types or inputs :return: The List to be used as input with the aforementioned functions. :rtype: List[tuple] .. note:: All parameters accept wildcards. """ # request object bulk = [] if isinstance(t0, str) and t0 != '*': t0 = UTCDateTime(t0) elif isinstance(t0, list): t0 = [UTCDateTime(t) for t in t0] if isinstance(t1, str) and t1 != '*': t1 = UTCDateTime(t1) elif isinstance(t1, list): t1 = [UTCDateTime(t) for t in t1] if isinstance(networks, list) and isinstance(stations, list): if len(networks) != len(stations): raise ValueError( 'If network and station are provided as lists, they have to\ have the same length!') if (isinstance(t1, list) and isinstance(t0, list)) \ or type(t1) != type(t0): if len(stations) != len(t1) or len(t1) != len(t0) \ or type(t1) != type(t0): raise ValueError('Time Lists have to have same length!') for net, stat, st, et in zip(networks, stations, t0, t1): bulk.append((net, stat, location, channel, st, et)) return bulk elif isinstance(t0, (str, UTCDateTime)) and isinstance( t1, (str, UTCDateTime)): for net, stat in zip(networks, stations): bulk.append((net, stat, location, channel, t0, t1)) elif isinstance(networks, list) and stations == '*': if (isinstance(t1, list) and isinstance(t0, list)) \ or type(t1) != type(t0): if len(networks) != len(t1) or len(t1) != len(t0) \ or type(t1) != type(t0): raise ValueError('Time Lists have to have same length!') for net, st, et in zip(networks, t0, t1): bulk.append((net, stations, location, channel, st, et)) return bulk elif isinstance(t0, (str, UTCDateTime)) and isinstance( t1, (str, UTCDateTime)): for net in networks: bulk.append((net, stations, location, channel, t0, t1)) elif isinstance(stations, list) and isinstance(networks, str): if (isinstance(t1, list) and isinstance(t0, list)) \ or type(t0) != type(t1): if len(stations) != len(t1) or len(t1) != len(t0) \ or type(t0) != type(t1): raise ValueError('Time Lists have to have same length!') for stat, st, et in zip(stations, t0, t1): bulk.append((networks, stat, location, channel, st, et)) elif isinstance(t0, (str, UTCDateTime)) and isinstance( t1, (str, UTCDateTime)): for stat in stations: bulk.append((networks, stat, location, channel, t0, t1)) elif isinstance(stations, str) and isinstance(networks, str): if (isinstance(t1, list) and isinstance(t0, list)) \ or type(t1) != type(t0): if len(t1) != len(t0) or type(t1) != type(t0): raise ValueError('Time Lists have to have same length!') for st, et in zip(t0, t1): bulk.append((networks, stations, location, channel, st, et)) elif isinstance(t0, (str, UTCDateTime)) and isinstance( t1, (str, UTCDateTime)): bulk.append((networks, stations, location, channel, t0, t1)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid combination of input types or input length.\ \nCheck the following:\n\t1. If all inputs are lists, do they have the same \ length?\n\t2. If stations is a string and not a wildcard (i.e., *), networks \ has to be a string as well.') return bulk
[docs]def cos_taper_st( st: Stream, taper_len: float, taper_at_masked: bool, side: str = 'both') -> Stream: """ Applies a cosine taper to the input Stream. :param tr: Input Stream :type tr: :class:`` :param taper_len: Length of the taper per side :type taper_len: float :param taper_at_masked: applies a split to each trace and merges again afterwards :type taper_at_masked: bool :return: Tapered Stream :rtype: :class:`` .. note:: This action is performed in place. If you want to keep the original data use :func:``. """ if isinstance(st, Trace): st = Stream([st]) elif isinstance(st, RFTrace): st = RFStream([st]) for ii, _ in enumerate(st): try: st[ii] = cos_taper(st[ii], taper_len, taper_at_masked, side) except ValueError as e: warn('%s, corresponding trace not tapered.' % e) return st
[docs]def cos_taper( tr: Trace, taper_len: float, taper_at_masked: bool, side: str = 'both') -> Trace: """ Applies a cosine taper to the input trace. :param tr: Input Trace :type tr: Trace :param taper_len: Length of the taper per side in seconds :type taper_len: float :param taper_at_masked: applies a split to each trace and merges again afterwards :type taper_at_masked: bool :return: Tapered Trace :rtype: Trace .. note:: This action is performed in place. If you want to keep the original data use :func:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace.copy`. """ if taper_len <= 0: raise ValueError('Taper length must be larger than 0 s') if taper_at_masked: st = tr.split() st = cos_taper_st(st, taper_len, False) st = st.merge() if st.count(): = st[0].data return tr else: raise ValueError('Taper length must be larger than 0 s') taper = np.ones_like( tl_n = round(taper_len*tr.stats.sampling_rate) if tl_n * 2 > tr.stats.npts: raise ValueError( 'Taper Length * 2 has to be smaller or equal to trace\'s length.') tap = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, tl_n*2)) if side in ['left', 'both']: taper[:tl_n] = tap[:tl_n] if side in ['right', 'both']: taper[-tl_n:] = tap[-tl_n:] = np.multiply(, taper) return tr