Source code for pyglimer.waveform.preprocess

   The PyGLImER development team (
   GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
    Peter Makus (

Created: Tuesday, 19th May 2019 8:59:40 pm
Last Modified: Friday, 21st October 2022 03:31:31 pm

import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import shelve
import time
import itertools
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count
import obspy
from obspy import read, read_inventory, Stream, UTCDateTime
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth, kilometer2degrees
from tqdm.std import tqdm

from pyglimer.utils.log import create_mpi_logger
from pyglimer.waveform.preprocessh5 import preprocessh5
from pyglimer.utils.signalproc import resample_or_decimate
from .errorhandler import redownload, redownload_statxml, \
from .qc import qcp, qcs
from .rotate import rotate_LQT_min, rotate_PSV
from ..rf.create import createRF
from ..utils.roundhalf import roundhalf
from ..utils.utils import dt_string, chunks

[docs]def preprocess( phase: str, rot: str, pol: str, taper_perc: float, event_cat: obspy.Catalog, model: obspy.taup.TauPyModel, taper_type: str, tz: int, ta: int, statloc: str, rawloc: str, preproloc: str, rfloc: str, deconmeth: str, hc_filt: float or None, saveasdf: bool = False, netrestr=None, statrestr=None, client: str = 'joblib', remove_response: bool = True): """ Preprocesses waveforms to create receiver functions 1. Clips waveform to the right length (tz before and ta after theorethical arrival.) 2. Demean & Detrend 3. Tapering 4. Remove Instrument response, convert to velocity & simulate havard station. 5. Rotation to NEZ and, subsequently, to RTZ. 6. Compute SNR for highpass filtered waveforms (highpass f defined in qc.lowco). If SNR lower than in qc.SNR_criteria for all filters, rejects waveform. 7. Write finished and filtered waveforms to folder specified in qc.outputloc. 8. Write info file with shelf containing station, event and waveform information. Only starts after all waveforms of the event have been downloaded by (checked over the dynamic variables prepro_folder and tmp.folder) Saves preprocessed waveform files. Creates info file to save parameters. Parameters ---------- phase : string "P" or "S" rot : string Coordinate system to cast seismogram in before deconvolution. Options are "RTZ", "LQT", or "PSS". pol : string "h" for Sh or "v" for Sv, only for PRFs. taper_perc : FLOAT Percentage to be tapered in beginning and at the end of waveforms. taper_type : STRING Taper type (see obspy documentation stream.taper). event_cat : event catalogue catalogue containing all events of waveforms. model : obspy.taup.TauPyModel 1D velocity model to calculate arrival. tz : int time window before first arrival in seconds ta : int time window after first arrival in seconds logdir : string, optional Set the directory to where the download log is saved loglvl : int, optional Set logger to this level. Returns ------- None. """ ########### # logging logger = logging.getLogger("pyglimer.request.preprocess")'\n\n\n...Preprocessing initialiased...\n') # Logging for RF creation rflogger = logging.getLogger("pyglimer.request.preprocess.RF") ######### if saveasdf: preprocessh5( phase, rot, pol, taper_perc, model, taper_type, tz, ta, rawloc, rfloc, deconmeth, hc_filt, netrestr, statrestr, logger, rflogger, client, event_cat, remove_response) return # else: # Here, we work with all available cores to speed things up # Split up event catalogue to mitigate the danger of data loss # Now the infodicts will be written in an even way # i.e. every 100 events # Number of cores is usally a power of 2 (therefore 128) n_split = int(np.ceil(event_cat.count()/128)) # All error handlers rely on download via IRIS webservice. # However, there is a maximum number for connections (3). # So I don't really want to flood everything with exceptions. if cpu_count() > 12: eh = False else: eh = True # Returns generator object with evtcats with each 100 events evtcats = chunks(event_cat, n_split) for evtcat in evtcats: if client.lower() == 'joblib': logger.debug('USING JOBLIB AS BACKEND') out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend='multiprocessing')( delayed(__event_loop)( phase, rot, pol, event, taper_perc, taper_type, model, logger, rflogger, eh, tz, ta, statloc, rawloc, preproloc, rfloc, deconmeth, hc_filt, netrestr, statrestr, remove_response, single_core=False) for event in tqdm(evtcat)) elif client.lower() == 'mpi': logger.debug('USING MPI AS BACKEND') from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() psize = comm.Get_size() pmap = (np.arange(len(evtcat))*psize)/len(evtcat) pmap = pmap.astype(np.int32) ind = pmap == rank ind = np.arange(len(evtcat))[ind] # get new MPI compatible loggers logger = create_mpi_logger(logger, rank) rflogger = logging.getLogger("%s.RF" % # rflogger.debug(f'Rank/Size: {rank}/{psize}') for ii in tqdm(ind): __event_loop( phase, rot, pol, evtcat[ii], taper_perc, taper_type, model, logger, rflogger, eh, tz, ta, statloc, rawloc, preproloc, rfloc, deconmeth, hc_filt, netrestr, statrestr, remove_response) # Use single core only elif client.lower() == 'single': logger.debug('USING SINGLE CORE BACKEND') out = [] for event in tqdm(evtcat): out.append( __event_loop( phase, rot, pol, event, taper_perc, taper_type, model, logger, rflogger, eh, tz, ta, statloc, rawloc, preproloc, rfloc, deconmeth, hc_filt, netrestr, statrestr, remove_response, single_core=True)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown client %s' % client) # For simultaneous download, dicts are written # while the processing is happening # (Not robust for multicore) # The multicore process returns a list of lists of dictionaries dictlist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(out)) # 1. Write all dictionaries in a "masterdictionary", where the keys # are Network and station code. Then, extent these subdictionaries # with the new information from new dictionaries for the same # station. masterdict = {} for d in dictlist: if not d: # Some of the dictionaries might be empty continue try: net = d['network'] stat = d['station'] key = net + '.' + stat except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: logger.exception([e, d]) continue if key in masterdict: for k in d: if type(d[k]) == list: masterdict[key].setdefault(k, []).extend(d[k]) else: masterdict[key] = d # Write dictionaries in the folder for d in masterdict: try: net, stat = d.split('.') write_info(net, stat, masterdict[d], preproloc) except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: logger.exception([e, d]) continue"Preprocessing finished.")
def __event_loop( phase: str, rot: str, pol: str, event: obspy.core.event.Event, taper_perc: float, taper_type: str, model: obspy.taup.TauPyModel, logger: logging.Logger, rflogger: logging.Logger, eh: bool, tz: float, ta: float, statloc: str, rawloc: str, preproloc: str, rfloc: str, deconmeth: str, hc_filt: float, netrestr: str, statrestr: str, remove_response: bool, single_core: bool): """ Loops over each event in the event catalogue """'Processing waveforms for event %s.' % event.resource_id) # create list for what will later be the info files infolist = [] # fetch event-data origin = (event.preferred_origin() or[0]) origin_time = origin.time ot_fiss = UTCDateTime(origin_time).format_fissures() evtlat = origin.latitude evtlon = origin.longitude depth = origin.depth or 25000 # For very old events this info is empty # Rounded for filenames ot_loc = UTCDateTime(origin_time, precision=-1).format_fissures()[:-6] evtlat_loc = str(roundhalf(evtlat)) evtlon_loc = str(roundhalf(evtlon)) by_event = os.path.join( preproloc, 'by_event', '%s_%s_%s' % (ot_loc, evtlat_loc, evtlon_loc)) # make folder that will contain softlinks os.makedirs(by_event, exist_ok=True) # Folder, in which the preprocessing is actually happening prepro_folder = os.path.join( rawloc, '%s_%s_%s' % (ot_loc, evtlat_loc, evtlon_loc)) try: # If one event has no folder it interrupts else # Remove empty folders in the raw directory if not os.listdir(prepro_folder): os.rmdir(prepro_folder) return infolist # It's important to return empty lists! except FileNotFoundError: # If we are not downloading that's entirely normal as # an earlier iteration just deletes empty directories pass return infolist # Preprocessing just for some stations? # Then skip files that should not be preprocessed if netrestr: pattern = '%s.%s*' % (netrestr, statrestr or '') files = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(prepro_folder), pattern) else: files = os.listdir(prepro_folder) for filestr in files: try: info = __waveform_loop( phase, rot, pol, filestr, taper_perc, taper_type, model, origin_time, ot_fiss, evtlat, evtlon, depth, prepro_folder, event, logger, rflogger, by_event, eh, tz, ta, statloc, preproloc, rfloc, deconmeth, hc_filt, remove_response, single_core) infolist.append(info) except Exception as e: # Unhandled exceptions should not cause the loop to quit # processing one event logger.exception([filestr, e]) continue return infolist def __waveform_loop( phase: str, rot: str, pol: str, filestr: str, taper_perc: float, taper_type: str, model: obspy.taup.TauPyModel, origin_time: UTCDateTime, ot_fiss: str, evtlat: float, evtlon: float, depth: float, prepro_folder: str, event: obspy.core.event.event.Event, logger: logging.Logger, rflogger: logging.Logger, by_event, eh: bool, tz: float, ta: float, statloc: str, preproloc: str, rfloc: str, deconmeth: str, hc_filt: float, remove_response: bool, single_core=bool): """ Loops over each waveform for a specific event and a specific station """ infodict = {} # empty dictionary that will be dumped in a shelve file # at the end of the program start = time.time() # Open files that should be processed try: st = read(os.path.join(prepro_folder, filestr)) except FileNotFoundError: # file has not been downloaded yet return # I will still want to have the RFs except Exception as e: # Unknown erros logger.exception([prepro_folder, filestr, e]) return station = st[0].stats.station network = st[0] # Location definitions outdir = os.path.join(preproloc, 'by_station', network, station) # Info file infof = os.path.join(outdir, 'info') ot_loc = UTCDateTime(origin_time, precision=-1).format_fissures()[:-6] outf = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.%s.%s.mseed' % (network, station, ot_loc)) statfile = os.path.join(statloc, '%s.%s.xml' % (network, station)) # Create directory for preprocessed file os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # If the file hasn't been downloaded and preprocessed # in an earlier iteration of the program if not __file_in_db(outdir, 'info.dat') or ot_fiss not in \, flag='r')['ot_all']: crit = False # criterion to retain try: # From here on, all exceptions are logged try: station_inv = read_inventory(statfile, format="STATIONXML") except FileNotFoundError: if eh: station_inv = redownload_statxml( st, network, station, statfile) else: raise FileNotFoundError( "Station XML not available for station %s.%s" % ( network, station)) # compute theoretical arrival distance, baz, _ = gps2dist_azimuth( station_inv[0][0].latitude, station_inv[0][0].longitude, evtlat, evtlon) distance = kilometer2degrees(distance/1000) # compute time of first arrival & ray parameter arrival = model.get_travel_times( source_depth_in_km=depth/1000, distance_in_degree=distance, phase_list=[phase])[0] rayp_s_deg = arrival.ray_param_sec_degree rayp = rayp_s_deg / 111319.9 # apparent slowness first_arrival = origin_time + arrival.time end = time.time() logger.debug("Before cut and resample") logger.debug(dt_string(end-start)) # Check if step is already done if st[0].stats.sampling_rate != 10: st = __cut_resample( st, logger, first_arrival, network, station, prepro_folder, filestr, taper_perc, taper_type, eh, tz, ta) # Finalise preprocessing st, crit, infodict = __rotate_qc( phase, st, station_inv, network, station, baz, distance, outf, ot_fiss, event, evtlat, evtlon, depth, rayp_s_deg, first_arrival, infof, logger, infodict, by_event, eh, tz, statloc, remove_response) # Exceptions & logging except SNRError as e: # QR rejections logger.debug( [filestr, "QC was not met, SNR ratios are", e]) infodict['dt'] = st[0] infodict['sampling_rate'] = st[0].stats.sampling_rate infodict['network'] = network infodict['station'] = station infodict['statlat'] = station_inv[0][0][0].latitude infodict['statlon'] = station_inv[0][0][0].longitude infodict['statel'] = station_inv[0][0][0].elevation if __file_in_db(outdir, 'info.dat'): with, flag='r') as info: if 'ot_all' not in info or ot_fiss not in info['ot_all']: # Don't count rejected events twice infodict.setdefault('ot_all', []).append(ot_fiss) else: infodict.setdefault('ot_all', []).append(ot_fiss) if single_core: write_info(network, station, infodict) return return infodict except StreamLengthError as e: logger.debug([filestr, e]) # Everything else that might have gone wrong except Exception as e: logger.exception([prepro_folder, filestr, e]) finally: end = time.time() "File preprocessed.\n" + "Station %s.%s\n" % (network, station) + "Event %s" % event.resource_id) logger.debug(dt_string(end-start)) else: # The file was already processed # Did it pass QC? with, flag='r') as info: if "ot_ret" not in info or ot_fiss not in info["ot_ret"]: return else: crit = True st = read(outf) station_inv = read_inventory(statfile) j = info["ot_ret"].index(ot_fiss) rayp = info["rayp_s_deg"][j] / 111319.9 distance = info["rdelta"][j] # CREATE RF + ROTATION TO PSS / LQT # # Check if RF was already computed and if it should be # computed at all, and if the waveform was retained (SNR) if deconmeth and not __file_in_db( os.path.join(rfloc, network, station), '%s.%s.%s.sac' % ( network, station, ot_loc)) and crit: # 21.04.2020 Second highcut filter if hc_filt: st.filter('lowpass', freq=hc_filt, zerophase=True, corners=2) start = time.time() #### try: # Rotate to LQT or PSS if rot == "LQT": st, ia = rotate_LQT_min(st, phase) # additional QC if ia < 5 or ia > 75: crit = False raise SNRError( "The estimated incidence angle is " + "unrealistic with %s degree." % str(ia)) elif rot == "PSS": _, _, st = rotate_PSV( station_inv[0][0][0].latitude, station_inv[0][0][0].longitude, rayp, st, phase) # Create RF object if phase[-1] == "S": trim = [40, 0] if distance >= 70: trim[1] = ta - (-2*distance + 180) else: trim[1] = ta - 40 elif phase[-1] == "P": trim = False if not infodict: info =, flag='r') RF = createRF( st, phase, pol=pol, info=info, trim=trim, method=deconmeth) else: RF = createRF( st, phase, pol=pol, info=infodict, trim=trim, method=deconmeth) # Write RF rfdir = os.path.join(rfloc, network, station) if pol == 'h' and phase == 'P': rfdir = rfdir + pol os.makedirs(rfdir, exist_ok=True) RF.write(os.path.join( rfdir, '%s.%s.%s.sac' % (network, station, ot_loc)), format='SAC') end = time.time() "RF created.\n" + 'Station %s.%s\n' % (network, station) + 'Event: %s' % event.resource_id) rflogger.debug(dt_string(end-start)) # Exception that occured in the RF creation # Usually don't happen except SNRError as e: except Exception as e: print("RF creation failed") rflogger.exception([network, station, ot_loc, e]) finally: if single_core: # Single-core case write_info(network, station, infodict, preproloc) # just to save RAM - not needed for single-core infodict = None else: # The multicore case return infodict def __cut_resample( st: obspy.Stream, logger: logging.Logger, first_arrival: UTCDateTime, network: str, station: str, prepro_folder: str, filestr: str, taper_perc: float, taper_type: str, eh: bool, tz: float, ta: float) -> obspy.Stream: """Cut and resample raw file. Will overwrite original raw""" start = time.time() # Trim TO RIGHT LENGTH BEFORE AND AFTER FIRST ARRIVAL # # start and endtime of stream starttime = first_arrival - tz endtime = first_arrival + ta if st.count() < 3: if not eh: raise StreamLengthError( ["The stream contains less than three traces.", filestr]) st = redownload(network, station, starttime, endtime, st) # Check one last time. If stream to short raise Exception if st.count() < 3: raise StreamLengthError( ["The stream contains less than 3 traces", filestr]) # Change dtype for tr in st: np.require(, dtype=np.float64) tr.stats.mseed.encoding = 'FLOAT64' # trim to according length # Anti-Alias filtering is now done within the function below st = resample_or_decimate(st, 10) st.trim(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) # After trimming length has to be checked again (recording may # be empty now) if st.count() < 3: raise Exception("The stream contains less than 3 traces") # DEMEAN AND DETREND # st.detrend(type='demean') # TAPER # st.taper(max_percentage=taper_perc, type=taper_type, max_length=None, side='both') # Write trimmed and resampled files into raw-file folder # to save space try: st.write(os.path.join(prepro_folder, filestr), format="MSEED") except ValueError: # Occurs for dtype=int32 for tr in st: del tr.stats.mseed st.write( os.path.join(prepro_folder, filestr), format="MSEED") end = time.time() logger.debug("Unprocessed file rewritten") logger.debug(dt_string(end - start)) return st def __rotate_qc( phase: str, st: obspy.Stream, station_inv: obspy.Inventory, network: str, station: str, baz: float, distance: float, outf: str, ot_fiss: str, event: obspy.core.event.event.Event, evtlat: float, evtlon: float, depth: float, rayp_s_deg: float, first_arrival: UTCDateTime, infof: str, logger: logging.Logger, infodict: dict, by_event, eh: bool, tz: float, statloc: str, remove_response: bool) -> Tuple[Stream, bool, dict]: """REMOVE INSTRUMENT RESPONSE + convert to vel + SIMULATE Bugs occur here due to station inventories without response information Looks like the bulk downloader sometimes donwnloads station inventories without response files. I could fix that here by redownloading the response file (alike to the 3 traces problem)""" if remove_response: try: st.attach_response(station_inv) st.remove_response() except ValueError: # Occurs for "No matching response file found" if eh: station_inv, st = NoMatchingResponseHandler( st, network, station, statloc) if not eh or not station_inv: raise ValueError( ["No matching response file found for", network, station]) st.rotate(method='->ZNE', inventory=station_inv) st.rotate(method='NE->RT', inventory=station_inv, back_azimuth=baz) st.normalize() # Sometimes streams contain more than 3 traces: if st.count() > 3: stream = {} for tr in st: stream[tr.stats.component] = tr if "Z" in stream: st = Stream([stream["Z"], stream["R"], stream["T"]]) elif "3" in stream: st = Stream([stream["3"], stream["R"], stream["T"]]) del stream # SNR CRITERIA dt = st[0] # sampling interval sampling_f = st[0].stats.sampling_rate if phase[-1] == "P": st, crit, f, noisemat = qcp(st, dt, sampling_f, tz) if not crit: infodict['dt'] = dt infodict['sampling_rate'] = sampling_f infodict['network'] = network infodict['station'] = station infodict['statlat'] = station_inv[0][0][0].latitude infodict['statlon'] = station_inv[0][0][0].longitude infodict['statel'] = station_inv[0][0][0].elevation raise SNRError('QC rejected %s' % np.array2string(noisemat)) elif phase[-1] == "S": st, crit, f, noisemat = qcs(st, dt, sampling_f, tz) if not crit: infodict['dt'] = dt infodict['sampling_rate'] = sampling_f infodict['network'] = network infodict['station'] = station infodict['statlat'] = station_inv[0][0][0].latitude infodict['statlon'] = station_inv[0][0][0].longitude infodict['statel'] = station_inv[0][0][0].elevation raise SNRError('QC rejected %s' % np.array2string(noisemat)) # WRITE FILES # try: st.write(outf, format="MSEED") except ValueError: # Occurs for weird mseed encodings for tr in st: del tr.stats.mseed st.write(outf, format="MSEED", encoding="ASCII") # create softlink try: os.symlink(outf, by_event) except FileExistsError: pass # WRITE AN INFO FILE # append_info: [key,value] append_inf = [ ['magnitude', ( event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0])['mag']], ['magnitude_type', ( event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0])[ 'magnitude_type']], ['evtlat', evtlat], ['evtlon', evtlon], ['ot_ret', ot_fiss], ['ot_all', ot_fiss], ['evt_depth', depth], ['evt_id', event.get('resource_id')], ['noisemat', noisemat], ['co_f', f], ['npts', st[1].stats.npts], ['rbaz', baz], ['rdelta', distance], ['rayp_s_deg', rayp_s_deg], ['onset', first_arrival], ['starttime', st[0].stats.starttime]] # Check if values are already in dict for key, value in append_inf: infodict.setdefault(key, []).append(value) infodict['dt'] = dt infodict['sampling_rate'] = sampling_f infodict['network'] = network infodict['station'] = station infodict['statlat'] = station_inv[0][0][0].latitude infodict['statlon'] = station_inv[0][0][0].longitude infodict['statel'] = station_inv[0][0][0].elevation"Stream accepted. Preprocessing successful") return st, crit, infodict def __file_in_db(loc: str, filename: str) -> bool: """Checks if file "filename" is already in location "loc".""" if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(loc, filename)): return True else: return False
[docs]def write_info(network: str, station: str, dictionary: dict, preproloc: str): """ Writes information dictionary in shelve format in each of the station folders. Parameters ---------- network : str Network Code. station : str Station code. dictionary : dict Dictionary containing the information. Returns ------- None. """ loc = os.path.join(preproloc, 'by_station', network, station) infof = os.path.join(loc, 'info') if not __file_in_db(loc, 'info.dat'): with, 'info'), writeback=True) as info: info.update(dictionary) info['num'] = len(info['ot_all']) if 'ot_ret' in info: info['numret'] = len(info['ot_ret']) info.sync() else: if 'ot_ret' in dictionary: append_inf = ['magnitude', 'magnitude_type', 'evtlat', 'evtlon', 'ot_ret', 'ot_all', 'evt_depth', 'evt_id', 'noisemat', 'co_f', 'npts', 'rbaz', 'rdelta', 'rayp_s_deg', 'onset', 'starttime'] with, writeback=True) as info: for key in append_inf: info.setdefault(key, []).extend(dictionary[key]) info['num'] = len(info['ot_all']) info['numret'] = len(info['ot_ret']) info.sync() else: with, writeback=True) as info: info.setdefault('ot_all', []).extend(dictionary['ot_all']) info['num'] = len(info['ot_all']) info.sync()
# program-specific Exceptions
[docs]class SNRError(Exception): """raised when the SNR is too high""" # Constructor method def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # __str__ display function def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class StreamLengthError(Exception): """raised when stream has fewer than 3 components""" # Constructor method def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # __str__ display function def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)