#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions to rotate a stream into different domains
The PyGLImER development team (makus@gfz-potsdam.de).
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Peter Makus (makus@gfz-potsdam.de)
Created: Saturday, 21st March 2020 07:26:03 pm
Last Modified: Thursday, 10th February 2022 03:53:30 pm
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream
from pyglimer import constants
from pyglimer.utils.createvmodel import load_avvmodel
[docs]def rotate_PSV(
statlat: float, statlon: float, rayp: float, st: Stream,
phase: str) -> tuple:
Finds the incidence angle of an incoming ray with the weighted average
of the lithosphere's P velocity with a velocity model compiled from
statlat : FLOAT
station latitude.
statlon : FLOAT
station longitude.
rayp : FLOAT
ray parameter / slownesss in s/m.
st : obspy.Stream
Input stream given in RTZ.
phase : str
Primary phase, either P or S.
avp : FLOAT
Average P-wave velocity.
avs : FLOAT
Average S-wave velocity.
PSvSh : obspy.Stream
Stream in P-Sv-Sh.
model = load_avvmodel()
avp, avs = model.query(statlat, statlon, phase)
# Do the rotation as in Rondenay (2009)
# Note that in contrast to the paper the z-components have to be
# negated as it uses a definition, where depth is positive
qa = np.sqrt(1/avp**2 - rayp**2)
qb = np.sqrt(1/avs**2 - rayp**2)
a = avs**2*rayp**2 - .5
rotmat = np.array([[-a/(avp*qa), rayp*avs**2/avp, 0],
[-rayp*avs, -a/(avs*qb), 0],
[0, 0, 0.5]])
# 1. Find which component is which one and put them in a dict
stream = {
st[0].stats.channel[2]: st[0].data,
st[1].stats.channel[2]: st[1].data,
st[2].stats.channel[2]: st[2].data}
# deep copy
PSvSh = st.copy()
del st
# create input matrix, Z component is sometimes called 3
if "Z" in stream:
A_in = np.array([stream["Z"],
elif "3" in stream:
A_in = np.array([stream["3"],
PSS = np.dot(rotmat, A_in)
# 3. save P, Sv and Sh trace and change the label of the stream
for tr in PSvSh:
if tr.stats.channel[2] == "R":
tr.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel[0:2] + "V"
tr.data = PSS[1]
elif tr.stats.channel[2] == "Z" or tr.stats.channel[2] == "3":
tr.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel[0:2] + "P"
tr.data = PSS[0]
elif tr.stats.channel[2] == "T":
tr.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel[0:2] + "H"
tr.data = PSS[2]
return avp, avs, PSvSh
[docs]def rotate_LQT_min(st: Stream, phase: str) -> tuple:
Rotates stream to LQT by minimising the energy of the S-wave primary
arrival on the L component (SRF) or maximising the primary arrival
energy on L (PRF).
st : obspy.Stream
Input stream in RTZ.
phase : STRING, optional
"P" for Ps or "S" for Sp.
LQT : obspy.Stream
Output stream in LQT.
ia : float
Computed incidence angle in degree. Can serve as QC criterion.
phase = phase[-1]
onset = constants.onset[phase.upper()]
dt = st[0].stats.delta
# point of primary arrival
pp1 = round((onset-2)/dt)
pp2 = round((onset+10)/dt)
LQT = st.copy()
del st
# identify components
stream = {
LQT[0].stats.channel[2]: LQT[0].data,
LQT[1].stats.channel[2]: LQT[1].data,
LQT[2].stats.channel[2]: LQT[2].data}
if "Z" in stream:
ZR = np.array([stream["Z"], stream["R"]])
elif "3" in stream:
ZR = np.array([stream["3"], stream["R"]])
# calculate energy of the two components around zero
ia = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, num=91) # incidence angle
E_L = []
for ii in ia:
A_rot = np.array([[np.cos(ii), np.sin(ii)],
[-np.sin(ii), np.cos(ii)]])
LQ = np.dot(A_rot, ZR[:, pp1:pp2])
# E_LQ = np.dot(A_rot, E_ZR)
E_LQ = np.sum(np.square(LQ), axis=1)
if phase == "S":
ii = E_L.index(min(E_L))
elif phase == "P":
ii = E_L.index(max(E_L))
ia = ia[ii]
A_rot = np.array([[np.cos(ia), np.sin(ia)],
[-np.sin(ia), np.cos(ia)]])
LQ = np.dot(A_rot, ZR)
# 3. save L and Q trace and change the label of the stream
for tr in LQT:
if tr.stats.channel[2] == "R":
tr.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel[0:2] + "Q"
tr.data = LQ[1]
elif tr.stats.channel[2] == "Z" or tr.stats.channel[2] == "3":
tr.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel[0:2] + "L"
tr.data = LQ[0]
ia = ia*180/np.pi
return LQT, ia